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Resolution adopted without a vote by the 92nd Inter-Parliamentary Conference
(Copenhagen, 17 September 1994)

The 92nd Inter-Parliamentary Conference,

Welcoming the successful conclusion of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations on 15 December 1993 and the agreements, decisions and declarations adopted at the Uruguay Round Ministerial Meeting held at Marrakesh (Morocco) from 12-15 April 1994,

Noting the high level of participation by both developed and developing countries and their contribution to the success of the negotiations,

Recognizing that the outcome of the Round presents an unparalleled opportunity to promote global economic growth and improve levels of income and employment,

Acknowledging that the creation of a common set of rules to govern trade in agriculture is a major achievement,

Welcoming the widening of the GATT system envisaged under the World Trade Organization (WTO) to include services and intellectual property, as well as improvements in rules for trade in goods, including agricultural products,

Also welcoming the integrated dispute settlement mechanism which accelerates the resolution of disputes by setting strict time limits, and calling on all signatories to refrain from unilateral retaliation,

Wishing to encourage efforts to establish a more liberal international trading environment and to prevent future movements towards protectionism,

Stressing the need to support new democracies and developing countries in their efforts to strengthen their economies, improve their standard of living and open up fully to international trade on a fair and equitable basis,

Reaffirming its commitment to an open, equitable and non-discriminatory multilateral trading system,

Emphasizing the role of governments in promoting national policies geared towards such objectives,

Recognizing the importance of the earliest practical implementation of the Uruguay Round agreements,

Drawing attention to the emergence of new forms of protectionism, which impairs market access,

  1. Urges all parliaments to support the entry into force of the Uruguay Round agreements and the establishment of the WTO by 1 January 1995;

  2. Calls on parliaments to encourage all Uruguay Round signatories to implement their national commitments and obligations without delay, by taking the necessary regulatory and administrative measures to facilitate the expeditious implementation of the Round's agreements;

  3. Considering the importance of the United States of America, the European Union and Japan for the international trading system, acknowledges their continued leadership throughout the trade negotiation process, and urges them to pass legislation to ensure that the WTO does indeed become operational by the deadline of 1 January 1995.

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