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Wolesi Jirga (House of the People)

Compare data for parliamentary chambers in the Electoral system module

Parliament name (generic / translated) Jirga / National Assembly
Structure of parliament Bicameral
Chamber name (generic / translated) Wolesi Jirga / House of the People
Related chamber (for bicameral parliaments) Meshrano Jirga / House of Elders
Electoral Law 27 May 2004
Mode of designation directly elected 249
Constituencies 34 multimember constituencies (two to 33 members from each province) as follows: Kabul: 33, Kapisa: 4, Parwan: 6, Wardak: 5, Logar 4, Ghazni: 11, Paktita: 4, Paktia: 5, Khost: 5, Nangarhar: 14, Kunar: 4, Laghman: 4, Nuristan: 2, Badakhstan: 9, Takhar: 9, Baghlan: 8, Kunduz: 9, Samangan: 4, Balkh: 11, Jowzjan: 5, Sar-i-Pul: 5, Faryab: 9, Badghis: 4, Herat: 17, Farah: 5, Nimroz: 2, Helmand: 8, Kandahar: 11, Zabul: 3, Uruzgan: 3, Ghor: 6, Bamyan: 4, Panjsher: 2, Daikundi: 4. Ten seats reserved for Kuchis
Voting system Proportional: with a single non-transferable vote (SNTV).
Under the voting system, the candidates who receive the most votes in each province win seats.
However, if the number of successful female candidates is below a certain threshold, the voting system first fills seats up to that threshold with the female candidates who receive the most votes, and subsequently fills the rest of the seats.
There is no upper limit to the number of female members of parliament.
Voting is not compulsory.
Voter requirements - Citizenship of Afghanistan (by origin or obtained);
- Registration on the electoral role;
- Age: 18 years or over on election day.
Disqualification: persons deprived of any political and civil rights by an authoritative court.
Eligibility - Citizenship of Afghanistan (by origin or obtained at least 10 years before);
- Age: 25 years or over on election day;
Disqualification: government officials, persons deprived of any political or civil rights by an authoritative court.
Incompatibilities - ministers of State;
- holders of judicial offices (judges);
- civil servants (national);
- officers of the Electoral Commission;
- members of the armed forces;
- public prosecutors, mayors, directors at provincial level.
The incompatibilities above are valid during the term of office.
Candidacy requirements - Candidatures must be submitted at least 75 days prior to elections;
- Supporting signatures of 1,000 eligible voters in the constituency;
- Candidatures may be submitted by political parties
- A deposit of 30,000 Afghanis, which is reimbursed if the candidate obtains at least 3 per cent of the valid votes in the constituency concerned;
- Nomination by at least 300 electors of the constituency concerned (throughout the country for Kuchi candidates).

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