Parliamentary Chamber: Ulsyn Ikh Khural


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  Ulsyn Ikh Khural

Dates of elections / renewal (from/to):

  28 June 1992

Purpose of elections:

  Elections were held for all the seats of the new Parliament provided for in the January 1992 Constitution. General elections had previously taken place in July and August 1990.

Background and outcome of elections:

  Following the previous (July-August 1990) general elections, the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party (MPRP) - the former communist ruling party - formed a coalition Government with smaller opposition groups. In January 1992, a Constitution providing for a new unicameral Parliament was adopted.

Polling was held against a background of economic crisis, marked by inflation, unemployment, a scarcity of raw materials and food shortages. During the campaign, the three-party opposition Democratic Coalition had complained of its restricted access to the mass media as compared to MPRP, and underlined the recently disastrous management that had led to economic disruptions. MPRP, led by President of the Republic Punsalmaagiyn Ochirbat, was regarded as divided into two factions - liberal and conservative/hardline. There were altogether 293 candidates from 13 parties.

Final voting results gave the MPRP a large victory, as it captured 70 seats to but four for the opposition. Analysts attributed this outcome in no small part to the electorate’s disenchantment with the falling living standards that had paralleled the switch from a planned to a market economy, as well as with the first-past-the-post system that allowed the ruling party to secure 92% parliamentary representation with only 57% of the popular vote. On 21 August, a new Government was formed by Prime Minister Puntsagiin Jasray, who heads an all-MPRP Cabinet after the opposition rejected participation therein.

Round no 1 (28 June 1992): Elections results  
Number of registered electors 1,085,120
Voters 1,037,392 (95.6%)

Round no 1: Distribution of seats  
Political Group Total
Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party (MPRP) 70
Democratic Coalition* 4
Social Democratic Party 1
Independents 1

  * Comprising the Mongolian Democratic Party, the Mongolian National Progress Party and the Mongolian United Party.

Distribution of seats according to sex:  
Men: 73
Women: 3

Distribution of seats according to profession:

Economists 19
Engineers 14
Lawyers 13
Teachers 11
Writers, journalists 8
Doctors 7
Others 4

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