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The IPU has been collecting data on parliaments since its inception in 1889, including information on women’s participation in politics since 1945. In this section, discover the IPU's knowledge bank for and about parliaments.

The IPU's publications are primarily meant for parliamentarians and policy makers. They range from general information, practical handbooks, to infographics. Many of the publications are available in multiple languages.

On Parline, the IPU has pooled all of its data into one hub, allowing the user to see trends over time, as well as compare progress or regression between different regions of the world. The data covers a wide range of themes; for example, the number of chambers, a monthly ranking of the women in parliament, the number of laws initiated by parliament and the average age of MPs.

The IPU also has a database of all its resolutions, declarations or outcome documents that underline a common position from IPU Member Parliaments. 

Download the IPU’s wide range of publications, designed for parliamentarians and policy-makers. If you would like to translate one of the IPU’s publications or order hard copies, please contact [email protected].
Parliaments have a key role to play in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by adopting solid legislative frameworks that duly take into account the interdisciplinary nature of the goals. They can achieve this by drafting legislation that
The IPU Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians is the only international mechanism with the remit of protecting and defending MPs suffering human right violations. This map lists the number of human rights cases examined by the Committee in
The Use cases have been developed by parliaments for their own use and are shared here to help others to plan, develop and measure the implementation of systems that use AI.
Parline Data

Open data on national parliaments. You can consult and compare data on national parliaments including information on structures, working methods, gender parity, women’s caucuses, youth and MPs’ human rights.

Resolutions and outcomes

Most IPU events end with a resolution, a declaration or an outcome document that underlines a common position from IPU Member Parliaments


Women in Politics

Facts and figures about women's participation in parliament.

IPU Innovation Tracker
The Innovation Tracker is a blog about recent innovations in the way parliaments do their work. It is where MPs and staff find ideas for solving some of the problems they face in running an effective parliament. 
Database on Women’s Caucuses

Women’s caucuses or parliamentary groups are mechanisms that have been created within the parliaments of many countries to strengthen cooperation among women engaged in political life.

iKNOW Politics

The International Knowledge Network of Women in Politics is an online workspace to help elected officials, candidates, political party leaders and members, researchers, students and other practitioners interested in advancing women in politics. 

IPU on air

The IPU on air Podcast Series features conversations with MPs and parliamentary experts from around the world on issues that impact citizens and democracies. Click on the episodes below to find out what parliamentarians think on a plethora of global issues.