February 1995

Note: It was agreed at the Copenhagen session (October 1994) that a summary of the working methods of the Association should be sent to all at each session. This summary reflects the changes to the procedure of the Association agreed at that session.



1. Under Rule 22 (b) of the Association, the Agenda setting out the business of the Association for a session is proposed by the Executive Committee. it is provisionally agreed by the plenary at the conclusion of the preceding session and is confirmed at the beginning of the session.

2. The Association's business is of four types:

(a) Proceedings on Reports
(b) Topical discussions under the "supplementary item" procedure
(c) "Communications" by Members
(d) Other presentations

3. Reports are prepared by a Rapporteur on the basis of information supplied by members and are agreed by the Association as a whole; the process takes place over three sessions.

4. When a subject has been agreed by the Executive Committee and confirmed by the Association as being suitable for a report, a general Debate on the subject is included in the agenda for the following session. The Rapporteur prepares an introductory note on the topic, together with a short draft questionnaire. These are circulated to all Members before the general debate, which is introduced by a speech from the Rapporteur. Other Members contribute to the debate, based on experience in their own Parliament. At the conclusion of the debate, the text of a questionnaire is agreed. (During discussion on the questionnaire the President may propose that the drafting of all or part of the questionnaire be delegated to a drafting Committee.)

5. After the session, the questionnaire is sent by the Joint Secretaries to very member Chamber. Each Secretary General sends a reply to the Rapporteur, who then prepares a First Draft Report. This is circulated to all Members and is debated and amended at the next session.

6. In the light of the debate on the First Draft Report and of any late replies, the Rapporteur prepares a Second Draft Report. This is circulated to all Members for consideration at the next session. Consideration of the Second Draft is largely formal - that is, the Rapporteur will give only a short introduction to the second draft and contributions from the floor are to be limited to minor amendments and corrections. Members are encouraged to submit such corrections in written form so far as possible. The Report as amended is then formally agreed by the Association.

7. Finally, the Report as amended is printed in the Association's journal "Constitutional and Parliamentary Information".


8. The draft Agenda for each session includes provision for a Topical Discussion on a "supplementary item"; the subject for the discussion is agreed by the Association early in the session, on a proposal from the Executive Committee following suggestions from Members. Such a Discussion is introduced by a speech from the Member who has proposed the subject, who may also submit a written introductory note. A summary of the Discussion is prepared for inclusion in the minutes of the session and publication in the Association's journal "Constitutional and Parliamentary Information".


9. The draft Agenda for each session makes provision for one or more "Communications" from Members. These are short presentations by Members on issues of interest to them, particularly presentations on recent developments in their own Parliament. They may be followed by question and answer sessions. The Communications to be presented are agreed by the Association, on proposal from the Executive Committee following suggestions from Members. A summary of the presentation is prepared for inclusion in the minutes of the session and publication in the Association's journal "Constitutional and Parliamentary information".


10. Longer presentations may also take place in other circumstances. Two common occasions are:

(a) the presentation by the host Secretaries General, at the beginning of each session, on the parliamentary system of the host country, and
(b) presentations by officers of the Inter-Parliamentary Union under Rule 13 of the Association.

11. Any Member may propose subjects for the Association's Agenda. The proposal may be tabled by being given to the President of the Association or to one of the two Joint Secretaries. The Member should indicate whether it is proposed for consideration as a subject for a Report, for discussion as the "supplementary item", or as a Communication.

12. If it is for a Report, the proposal should be tabled before the last day of a session. It will then be considered by the Executive Committee. If it is approved by the Committee, a Debate on the subject will then be included in the draft Agenda for the next session, which is provisionally agreed by the plenary at the end of the sitting on the last day of the session.

13. If it is for Discussion as the "supplementary item" or as a "Communication", it should be tabled before the beginning of the session (by fax to one of the two Joint Secretaries) or on the first day of the session. Those proposals received before the first meeting of the Executive Committee* will be considered at the meeting and, if approved, submitted to the plenary with the agenda for the session. Any proposals received later on the first day will be considered by the Executive Committee at a later meeting and, if approved, submitted to the plenary for inclusion in the agenda for one of the later days of the session.

* This meeting normally takes place on the first (Monday) afternoon at 1430 or 1445, with the plenary starting at 1530.

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