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House of Commons
Parliamentary bodies dealing with gender equality :
House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women

Type of parliamentary body Specialized
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers House of Commons
Date of creation 5 October 2004
Last renewal date N/A
Membership The Standing Orders provide that all standing committees, such as the Standing Committee on the Status of Women, shall have 12 members. Committee membership generally reflects the proportions of the various recognized parties in the House. Where a governing party has a majority in the House, it will also have a majority on every House committee. Independent members have not ordinarily been appointed to committees. At the start of the first session of a Parliament, a motion is typically moved to appoint the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs to act as a striking committee, that is, to prepare a list of members to serve on the House's standing committees. The Committee has chosen to delegate to the whips of the recognized parties the authority to strike the membership of committees. The membership of committees must comprise members of the House of Commons, who may serve on more than one committee. While no rule prevents any member from being named to a committee, current practice normally excludes certain members who have other parliamentary functions: the Speaker and the holders of other Chairs, ministers and the leaders of recognized parties. The list of Committee members must be revised annually within the first 10 sitting days following the summer adjournment as stipulated in the parliamentary calendar and again at the beginning of each new session. The membership comes into effect when the House approves the report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs. Composition by sex: 2 men (20%), 8 women (80%)
Working methods
Relations with other parliamentary bodies
Relations with external bodies
Subjects dealt with As described on the website, the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women studies issues on the stautus of women and gender equality. Since 2010, the Committee has published 12 substantive reports on women (employment opportunities, economic conditions, health conditions, violence against women) and the implementation of gender-based analysis at the federal level.The Committee also examined the following bills: Bill S-2, An Act respecting family homes situated on First Nation reserves and matrimonial interests or rights in or to structures and lands situated on those reserves (in 2013); and Bill C-471, An Act respecting the implementation of the recommendations of the Pay Equity Task Force and amending another Act in consequence (in 2010). As well, each fiscal year, the Committee has examined the main estimates and the supplementary estimates of Status of Women Canada.
Main address Standing Committee on the Status of Women
Sixth Floor, 131 Queen Street
House of Commons
Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
Fax +1 613 992 79 74
E-mail FEWO@parl.gc.ca
Website parl.gc.ca/FEWO-e
Name Ms. Marilyn Gladu
Notes Chairperson
Address (if different from above)
E-mail Marilyn.Gladu@parl.gc.ca
Name Ms. Pam Damoff
Notes Vice-Chairperson
Address (if different from above)
E-mail Pam.Damoff@parl.gc.ca
Name Ms. Sheila Malcolmson
Notes Vice-Chairperson
Address (if different from above)
E-mail Sheila.Malcolmson@parl.gc.ca
Name Ms. Erica Pereira
Notes Clerk to the Committee
Address (if different from above)
Phone +613 995 6119
web site:

Information on this page was last updated on 10 October 2016
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