The IPU produced twelve publications in 2020 in multiple languages. IPU publications are primarily designed for parliamentarians, parliamentary staff and policymakers.
IPU specialized meetings in 2020
In 2020 we ran 32 virtual events
Towards universal membership
IPU membership has risen to 179 Members, and 13 Associate Members.
IPU's Executive Committee
It is made up of our President, 15 elected members from our different geopolitical groups, the President of the Bureau of Women Parliamentarians and the President of the Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians.
Who funds the IPU?
The IPU’s work to promote peace, democracy and sustainable development is financed primarily by our Members and Associate Members. We also receive a growing amount of voluntary contributions from governments, development agencies, UN bodies and foundations. Several donors have provided multi-year funding agreements that were active during 2020. These include the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the European Union, Irish Aid, and the Governments of Angola, China, Kuwait, Micronesia and Switzerland. Partnerships with the UN family, particularly UNDP, WHO, UNOCT, UNODA, UNODC and UN Women, deliver support to a number of country-level programmes. The Republic of Korea continued to offer support in terms of secondment of senior research staff to the IPU. The IPU remains committed to looking for more voluntary funding to help meet its strategic objectives.