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I say yes to youth in parliament!

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I pledge to

Promoting youth quotas so my parliament is truly representative of the young men and women of the country it serves, and youth quotas that include a gender parity provision (50/50).

Youth quotas enhance the selection and promotion of young candidates, helping talented young people overcome some of the barriers to being elected. In turn, seeing younger people represented in parliament can increase the level of political engagement of young people and their legislative representation, adding to a steady growth in the number of youth representatives.

I say yes to this pledge!

Legislating to align the age of eligibility for parliamentary office with that of voting, so young people don’t have to wait to have a seat at the table.

The average global minimum age to stand as a candidate is 23.6 years, 5.6 years older than the almost universal minimum voting age of 18. All young people should have the right to run for office once they can vote, and contribute their ideas and talents to their country’s parliament.

I say yes to this pledge!

Supporting channels for youth perspectives in parliament – including youth caucuses, committees, and other mechanisms – so youth empowerment is at the center of my parliament.

Creating and supporting youth focused spaces provides a platform for young people to express their voices as a collective. All MPs should take young people's views into consideration.

I say yes to this pledge!

Empowering young parliamentarians, so they are able to contribute to, influence, and lead the work of my parliament.

Parliaments are not always comfortable environments for young people. MPs of all ages must consider how they can support and empower their younger colleagues, helping them to reach their full potential.

I say yes to this pledge!

Mentoring young aspirants to political office so knowledge, experiences and ideas are shared.

Mentorship between generations is a crucial way for young women and men to exchange knowledge with their elders, and understand how their country’s politics has reached where it is today. Mentoring candidates from different backgrounds can also diversify a party’s membership and level the playing field for promotion within internal party processes.

I say yes to this pledge!

Advocating for “I SAY YES” in my parliament, to bring more MPs of all ages on board.

Parliaments reflect the story of a nation, but with young people left out, parliaments are missing their country’s present and future. We need all MPs to Say Yes to youth participation, championing the campaign, sharing with their networks, and leaving the ultimate legacy; securing the future of democracy.

I say yes to this pledge!