Half the world’s population is under 30 and yet only 2.8% of MPs globally represent this age group. The IPU has identified the six ways below to change this. Please take two minutes to pick one or more pledge(s) to make your parliament younger!
We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to reshape our societies
With future generations destined to live with the political choices made now, it is only right that they have a seat at the decision-making table. Yet young people are underrepresented in parliaments all across the world.
The IPU asks you to take action to increase the number of young parliamentarians by joining our campaign 'I Say Yes to Youth in Parliament!'.
How parliaments are implementing the campaign
Why is youth participation so important?
We cannot solve the problems the world faces if the part of the population that is most directly impacted by them is not part of the decision-making process.
Too many countries have barriers that make young men and women feel excluded from politics, but young people have the right to be included in political decision-making.
Their perspectives, ideas, talents and energy are vital to addressing many of the biggest challenges facing the international community.
Now is the time to ensure that parliaments welcome the younger generation.

What can you do?
Parliamentarians lead the drive for truly representative democracy.
The Inter-Parliamentary Union wants you to “Say Yes” to youth participation in parliament and join a network of MPs and other changemakers of all ages advocating for youth representation.
Join the campaign, share your pledges on social media and show you are ready to stand up for youth participation.

Fewer than 1 in 6 Parliaments has a caucus for young MPs.

Individuals aged 20-39 make up 38.6% of the worlds population.
Yet only 17.5% of MPs are under 40.

of chambers of parliament have
NO MPS under 30.
Want to run the I Say Yes! campaign in your parliament?
Download our toolkit to get all resources you need to run your own campaign and encourage youth participation.
Download toolkit now