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Contact us

The IPU's headquarters have been based in Geneva, Switzerland since 1921. The IPU occupies a historic building in Geneva called the House of Parliaments. The organization also has smaller offices in New York, USA, and Vienna, Austria. 

IPU Geneva Office

Geneva office

Our headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland. Please contact us using one of the following means.

Postal address

Inter-Parliamentary Union
5, chemin du Pommier
Case postale 330
CH-1218 Le Grand-Saconnex, Geneva

Phone: +41 22 919 41 50
FAX: +41 22 919 41 60

New York Office

New York office

Our UN Observer office is in New York, United States.

Postal address

Office of the Permanent Observer of the IPU to the United Nations
336 East 45th Street, Tenth Floor
New York, NY, 10017
United States of America

Phone: +1 212 557 58 80

IPU Vienna Office

Vienna office

Office of the Permanent Observer of the IPU to the United Nations and 
other International Organizations in Vienna;
Stubenring 8-10
Vienna, 1010  Austria

Phone: +43 1 40 110 27 27
Mobile: +43 676 8900 27 27

Contact someone at IPU

For information on a particular area of work or issue, see below:

Press and communications
For media or communication requests, please contact [email protected].

Visit the Work with us section for all information about IPU jobs.

New York office
To reach the UN Observer office in New York, please contact [email protected].

Vienna office
To reach the UN Observer office in Vienna, please contact [email protected] 

General inquiries
For general inquiries, please contact [email protected].

Some meeting rooms at our headquarters in Geneva are available for hire, for more information, please contact [email protected].