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Parliamentary Conference on Interfaith Dialogue


Marrakesh , Morocco


The Parliamentary Conference on Interfaith Dialogue: Working together for our common future will take place from 13 to 15 June 2023 in Marrakesh, Morocco. The Conference is organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Parliament of the Kingdom of Morocco in cooperation with Religions for Peace,  and with the support of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and the Mohammadia League of Religious Scholars.

Addressing issues of inclusion and coexistence is an important part of the IPU’s mandate to promote peace and understanding through political dialogue, cooperation and parliamentary action. The IPU’s 2012 Quebec City Declaration on Citizenship, identity and linguistic and cultural diversity in a globalized world recognizes the importance of balancing respect for diversity with social inclusiveness and cohesion as a means of building trust within and among societies and as a precondition for progress, prosperity and a high quality of life. The 2017 St. Petersburg Declaration on Promoting cultural pluralism and peace through interfaith and inter-ethnic dialogue recognized that dialogue with faiths, cultures and ethnicities is essential to peace and cultural pluralism and that, as representatives of the people, the world's parliaments are committed to strengthening normative processes and legal frameworks conducive to more open and inclusive societies.

The Conference will bring together Speakers and members of parliament, religious leaders, representatives of civil society and other experts to engage in dialogue and share good practices around key issues standing in the way of sustainable co-existence and to jointly explore action points for building more peaceful and inclusive societies. It will also aim to develop a roadmap for joint action ahead.


As per usual practice, interpretation will be provided in the four IPU working languages: Arabic, English, French and Spanish.

Documents in Spanish (the translation is the responsibility of the GRULAC Secretariat)

Country / Pays
Name / Nom Language / Langue
Morocco Message from His Majesty Mohammed VI King of Morocco/ Message de Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI Roi du Maroc English / Français
Mr. Duarte Pacheco, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) / M. Duarte Pacheco, Président de l'Union Interparlementaire (UIP) English
Mr. Martin Chungong , Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) / M. Martin Chungong, Secrétaire général de l'Union Interparlementaire (UIP) English
Ms. Heela Yoon, Afghan Peacebuilder English
M. Ildephonse Niyokindi, Chargé de la consolidation de la paix mondiale TEARFUND Français
Ms. Nazila Ghanea, UN Special Rapporteur on the Freedom of Religion or Belief / Mme Nazila Ghanea, Rapporteuse spéciale des Nations Unies sur la liberté de religion ou de conviction English