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Performance audit: Audits as input for sector policy development and dialogue


Tuesday, 26 November 2024 (14:00 – 15:30 CET) 

The third session will focus on the performance audit. This audit focuses on whether interventions, programmes and institutions are performing in accordance with the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness, and whether there is room for improvement. Performance is examined against suitable criteria. The aim is to provide recommendations for improvement.3

The Global SAI Stocktaking Reports 2020 and 2023 have shown that SAIs are increasingly taking on more complex tasks to respond to the increased complexity of service delivery BY government. Performance audit is one way to assess government performance in specific sectors, ranging from tax policy to environmental issues and the SDGs. Still, it is not always clear whether the results of performance audits reach those parliamentary committees that could make best use of the information during debates and the adoption of new sector policies. 

During the third webinar, we will ask how performance audits have helped inform specific policy areas and how relevant parliamentary committees have made use of topical sector audit reports, either to hold government accountable or to inform debates on new sector policies. We will also look into how SAIs can liaise with relevant parliamentary committees to make sure the information is more broadly disseminated


Invitation 128.5 KB
Concept note 527.2 KB