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IPU Innovation Tracker

The quarterly electronic bulletin from the Centre for Innovation in Parliament

Issue 17

Issue 17

In this issue, we report on developments within the Centre for Innovation in Parliament and its hubs, including: a new Issue brief on Using generative AI in parliaments, an initiative by the Parliamentary Data Science hub to co-create guidelines on AI governance, and a new chapter in the history of the Southern Africa regional hub.

Innovation Tracker contributions

We are posting examples of innovation in parliament on Twitter using the hashtags #innovation #parliament. Please join us in using these hashtags, or send us good examples that we can share!

Do you have an example of innovative parliamentary working methods to share in the Innovation Tracker? Tell us about it via this online form or by e-mail to [email protected].

Innovation in parliamentary working methods

Updates on AI from the parliamentary community

Within the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s (IPU) Centre for Innovation in Parliament (CIP), senior technical experts regularly come together to share their experience and develop good practices. Through this community, two AI-related knowledge products have been developed so far: an online event and an issue brief.
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Co-creating guidelines on AI governance in parliaments

The CIP and the Parliamentary Data Science (PDS) Hub, coordinated by the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil, have identified a compelling need to dive more deeply into governance and practice around the use of AI-based applications in parliaments. Parliaments participating in the PDS Hub have therefore embarked on an ambitious initiative to co-create a set of guidelines on AI governance in parliaments. The guidelines are intended to be a practical tool, written by parliaments, for parliaments.
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Changes at the CIP’s Southern Africa Regional Hub

At the 147th IPU Assembly, held in Luanda, Angola, in October 2023, the IPU and the Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC PF) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) marking the transfer of the coordination of the CIP’s Southern Africa Regional Hub from the National Assembly of Zambia to the SADC PF Secretariat.
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