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AI-powered parliamentary bill and document chatbot for enhanced legislative analysis

Bahrain - Council of Representatives

Use case ID: 061

Author: Council of Representatives of Bahrain

Date: 6 October 2024 


Develop an AI-powered chatbot to provide real-time access to all parliamentary bills and documents, improving the process of bill formation and analysis by providing quick answers, summaries and relevant documents on request for MPs, staff and researchers. 


  • MPs
  • Parliamentary staff members
  • Legislative drafters
  • Researchers
  • AI development and support team 


  • Comprehensive database of all parliamentary bills and documents
  • Pre-trained natural language processing (NLP) models specialized in legal and parliamentary text
  • Integration with the parliament’s document management system
  • Defined intents and queries that the chatbot will handle (e.g. bill summaries, amendment details, cross-referencing documents) 


  1. An MP or staff member initiates a conversation with the chatbot via the parliament’s internal system or a web/mobile interface.
  2. The user asks the chatbot questions such as “What are the key points of bill X?” or “Show me all amendments made to bill Y”.
  3. The chatbot processes the query using NLP to understand the intent and retrieves relevant information from the parliamentary bills and documents database.
  4. The chatbot responds with concise, summarized answers, relevant sections from documents, or direct links to full bills and amendments.
  5. The user can follow up with more specific queries such as “List the provisions related to environmental regulations in bill Z” or “Which MPs proposed amendments to bill A?”.
  6. The chatbot allows users to download reports, summaries or full documents for further analysis.
  7. If the query involves complex analysis or document cross-referencing, the chatbot provides the user with a detailed summary or suggests other related documents to consult.
  8. The system logs all interactions for analysis and continuous improvement, learning from user queries to better address future questions. 

Alternate flows:

  • If the chatbot does not understand a query, it prompts the user to rephrase the question or offers suggested queries based on the context.
  • If a document is missing or outdated, the chatbot flags the issue and provides contact information for the parliamentary document team. 

Expected results:

  • Faster, more efficient access to bills and parliamentary documents for MPs and staff
  • Improved accuracy in retrieving relevant information for bill formation and analysis
  • Less time spent manually searching for documents, allowing MPs and staff to focus on legislative work
  • Enhanced transparency and collaboration through easy access to all parliamentary documents 

Potential challenges:

  • Ensuring the chatbot understands complex or ambiguous legal language and parliamentary terminology
  • Keeping the chatbot’s database up to date with newly introduced bills, amendments and legislative documents
  • Addressing variations in how different MPs and staff phrase their queries
  • Integrating with existing systems while maintaining data security and privacy 

Data requirements:

  • Full database of parliamentary bills, amendments and related documents
  • Metadata tagging for each document (e.g. date, proposer, subject matter)
  • Pre-trained NLP models for bill formation and analysis, including legal terminology
  • Real-time updates to bills and documents as new legislation is introduced 

Integrations with other systems:

  • Parliamentary document management system
  • User authentication and access control systems
  • Search and retrieval systems for bills and documents 

Success metrics:

  • Chatbot response accuracy rate for queries related to bills and documents
  • Reduction in the time taken by users to retrieve key information
  • Increase in the number of successful bill queries and document downloads
  • User satisfaction scores from MPs, staff and researchers
  • Number of follow-up queries and engagement with the chatbot over time


The Use cases for AI in parliaments collection is published by the IPU’s Centre for Innovation in Parliament as part of the Parliamentary Data Science Hub’s project to create guidelines for AI governance in parliaments.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence. It may be freely shared and reused with acknowledgement of the author and the IPU. 

A use case describes how a system should work. It is used to plan, develop and measure implementation. A use case is not the same as a case study, which is a descriptive text of an actual project’s implementation. Please note that this use case is provided “as is” and neither the IPU nor the author accepts any responsibility for its use.

For more information about the IPU’s work on artificial intelligence, please visit or contact [email protected]