IPU is shocked and deeply saddened by the tragic killing of British MP Jo Cox, who was attacked last week in her constituency.
Secretary General Martin Chungong said: “Like many MPs around the world, Jo Cox has worked tirelessly for democracy, peace and human rights. With her background in development work, she has been a strong advocate for refugees, those suffering poverty and injustice, and victims of conflict. It is heartbreaking to learn that she has been killed while carrying out her democratic mandate. Violence has no place in any democracy.
“On behalf of IPU and the global parliamentary community, I would like to pay tribute to a woman who embodied all that a parliamentarian should be – compassionate, courageous and committed.
“Her death is a tragic reminder that many of the world’s 45,000 MPs put themselves at risk by making a stand for justice and democracy. A great many have suffered harm in the course of their work.
“We urge all citizens to recognize with gratitude the risks taken and sacrifices made by parliamentarians in the cause of democracy. We urge all MPs to live up to the example set by Jo Cox, a role model for parliamentarians across the world.
“Our thoughts remain with Jo Cox’s family, friends and colleagues and we are deeply sorry for their loss.”