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Côte d'Ivoire

Data points :

Parlement (Parliament), Assemblée nationale (National Assembly), Sénat (Senate)

The IPU data corresponds to the lower chamber if the parliament is bicameral. For information about upper chambers, refer to Parline

Women in parliament
of MPs are women
Youth in parliament
of MPs are under 45
MPs' human rights
cases currently treated by the Committee on the Human Rights of MPs

This page contains the latest IPU news and data for this parliament. The percentage of women in parliament and the percentage of youth participation correspond to the lower chamber if the parliament is bicameral. The number of MP human rights cases corresponds to the latest decisions of the IPU Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians.

Related news

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Press releases

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© IPU/C. Montant

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News in brief

Case studies


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Related events

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Recent human rights cases

Find out more about the Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians

In the region