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140th Assembly and related meetings


Doha, Qatar


The 140th Assembly of the IPU took place in Doha, Qatar, on 6-10 April 2019. All IPU statutory bodies, including the Governing Council, Standing Committees, Committees on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians and on Middle East Questions, as well as the Forum of Women Parliamentarians and the Forum of Young MPs, met on this occasion.

Theme of the General Debate: Parliaments as platforms to enhance education for peace, security and the rule of law.

Read the results of the proceedings of the 140th Assembly

See full programme

Watch the videos of the sessions 

Go to the website of the Parliament of Qatar.

Documents in Spanish (the translation is the responsibility of the GRULAC Secretariat) / Documentos en español (La traducción es responsabilidad de la Secretaría del GRULAC)

Documents in Arabic (the translation is the responsibility of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union)

Download publications:
IPU Assemblies in your pocket
Assembly Guidebook (English)Assembly Guidebook (Arabic).

Read the press release, 1 April 2019, closing press release, 10 April 2019

App for the Assembly
Download the Assembly App. It is open only to official delegates. Please contact the Secretariat ([email protected]) for more details.  

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

- Sub-Committee on Finance

(Closed meeting)
Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center

Thursday, 4 April 2019

- Beginning of Registration

Lobby, Sheraton Hotel
- Executive Committee

(Closed meeting)
Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center
- Executive Committee

(Closed meeting)
Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center

Friday, 5 April 2019

- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians

(Closed meeting)
Al Bashir, Sheraton Convention Center
- Executive Committee

(Closed meeting)
Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center
- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians

(Closed meeting)
Al Bashir, Sheraton Convention Center
- Executive Committee

(Closed meeting)
Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center

Saturday, 6 April 2019

- Bureau of Women Parliamentarians

(Closed meeting)
Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center
- Meeting of Advisers and Secretaries to Delegations

Salwa 3, Sheraton Convention Center
- Forum of Women Parliamentarians

Al Rayyan, Sheraton Convention Center
- Break out Group of the Forum of Women Parliamentarians

Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center
- Meeting with the Chairpersons of the Geopolitical Groups and Presidents of the Standing Committees

(Closed meeting)
Al Bashir, Sheraton Convention Center
- Gender Partnership Group

(Closed meeting)
Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center
- Meeting with Heads of regional parliamentary organizations

(Closed meeting)
Salwa 3, Sheraton Convention Center
- Forum of Women Parliamentarians

Al Rayyan, Sheraton Convention Center
- Advisory Group on Health

(Closed meeting)
Al Nakhil, Sheraton Convention Center
- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians

(Closed meeting)
Al Bashir, Sheraton Convention Center
- Committee on Middle East Questions

(Closed meeting)
Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center
- Inaugural Ceremony

Al Dafna, Sheraton Convention Center

Sunday, 7 April 2019

- Assembly Steering Committee

(Closed meeting)
Al Nakhil, Sheraton Convention Center
- Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians

(Closed meeting)
Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center
- Committee to Promote Respect for International Humanitarian Law

(Closed meeting)
Al Bashir, Sheraton Convention Center
- Governing Council

Al Dafna, Sheraton Convention Center
- Standing Committee on Peace and International Security
Debate on the draft resolution "Non-admissibility of using mercenaries as means of undermining peace and violating human rights"
Al Rayyan, Sheraton Convention Center
- Forum of Young Parliamentarians of the IPU

Salwa 2, Sheraton Convention Center
- Assembly: Start of the General Debate
Theme: Parliaments as platforms to enhance education for peace, security and the rule of law
Al Dafna, Sheraton Convention Center
- Group photo – all Heads of Delegations

- Panel discussion on Ending energy poverty through access to renewable energies and inclusive public policies: How can parliaments help?

Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center
- Preparatory Committee of the Fifth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament

Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center
- Assembly: General Debate

Al Dafna, Sheraton Convention Center
- Standing Committee on Peace and International Security
Drafting in plenary of the resolution
Al Rayyan, Sheraton Convention Center
- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians

(Closed meeting)
Al Bashir, Sheraton Convention Center
- Standing Committee on Sustainable Development, Finance and Trade
Debate and start of drafting in plenary on the draft resolution on "The role of fair and free trade and investment in achieving the SDGs, especially regarding economic equality, sustainable infrastructure, industrialization and innovation"
Salwa 2, Sheraton Convention Center
- Bureau of the Standing Committee on United Nations Affairs

(Closed meeting)
Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center
- Assembly: Decision on the emergency item

Al Dafna, Sheraton Convention Center

Monday, 8 April 2019

- Assembly: Debate on the emergency item

Al Dafna, Sheraton Convention Center
- Assembly: Continuation of the General Debate

Al Dafna, Sheraton Convention Center
- Standing Committee on Peace and International Security
Completion of drafting in plenary of the resolution on "Non-admissibility of using mercenaries as means of undermining peace and violating human rights"
Al Rayyan, Sheraton Convention Center
- Workshop on maternal, newborn and child health
Act now for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health: Lessons on health financing, legislation, and partnerships
Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center
- Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights
Debate on follow-up to previous IPU resolutions (democracy in the digital era, use of media for citizen engagement, freedom of expression)
Salwa 2, Sheraton Convention Center
- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians

Al Bashir, Sheraton Convention Center
- Bureau of the Standing Committee on Peace and International Security

(Closed meeting)
Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center
- ASGP Meeting

Salwa 3, Sheraton Convention Center
- ASGP Meeting

Salwa 3, Sheraton Convention Center
- Standing Committee on Sustainable Development, Finance and Trade
Drafting in plenary of the resolution on "The role of fair and free trade and investment in achieving the SDGs, especially regarding economic equality, sustainable infrastructure, industrialization and innovation"
Al Rayyan, Sheraton Convention Center
- Assembly: Continuation of the General Debate

Al Dafna, Sheraton Convention Center
- Possible drafting committee on the emergency item

(Closed meeting)
Al Bashir, Sheraton Convention Center
- Speakers’ dialogue

Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

- Gender Partnership Group

Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center
- Panel discussion on counter-terrorism and violent extremism
From international resolutions to national legislations: Bridging the implementation gap

Salwa 2, Sheraton Convention Center
- Bureau of the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development, Finance and Trade

(Closed meeting)
Al-Bashir, Sheraton Convention Center
- Standing Committee on United Nations Affairs
Debate on Parliamentary follow-up on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in preparation for the 2019 session of the United Nations High-level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development; and Panel discussion on the main theme of the 2019 HLPF: Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality
Al-Rayyan, Sheraton Convention Center
- Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights
Debate on the draft resolution to be adopted at the 141st Assembly on Achieving Universal Health Coverage by 2030: The role of parliaments in ensuring the right to health
Salwa 2, Sheraton Convention Center
- Executive Committee

(Closed meeting)
Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center
- ASGP Meeting

Salwa 3, Sheraton Convention Center
- Assembly: Continuation of the General Debate

Al Dafna, Sheraton Convention Center
- Standing Committee on Sustainable Development, Finance and Trade
Adoption of the draft resolution on "The role of fair and free trade and investment in achieving the SDGs, especially regarding economic equality, sustainable infrastructure, industrialization and innovation"
Al Rayyan, Sheraton Convention Center
- Bureau of the Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights

(Closed meeting)
Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center
- ASGP Meeting

Salwa 3, Sheraton Convention Center
- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians

(Closed meeting)
Al Bashir, Sheraton Convention Center
- Assembly
Adoption of the resolution on the emergency item; Conclusion of the General Debate
Al Dafna, Sheraton Convention Center
- Committee on Middle East Questions

Salwa 2, Sheraton Convention Center
- Standing Committee on Peace and International Security
Adoption of the draft resolution on "Non-admissibility of using mercenaries as means of undermining peace and violating human rights"
Al Rayyan, Sheraton Convention Center
- Bureau of Women Parliamentarians

(Closed meeting)
Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

- Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians

(Closed meeting)
Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center
- Governing Council
Decisions on the human rights of MPs; Reports of specialized meetings
Al Dafna, Sheraton Convention Center
- ASGP Meeting

Salwa 3, Sheraton Convention Center
- Joint Meeting of the Bureau of Women Parliamentarians and the Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians on sexism, harassment and violence against women MPs

(Closed meeting)
Salwa 1, Sheraton Convention Center
14:30 - Governing Council

Al Dafna, Sheraton Convention Center
- Joint IPU-ASGP session on Innovation in parliament: Getting ready for the future

Salwa 3, Sheraton Convention Center
At the end of the Governing Council Assembly
Adoption of resolutions; Reports of the Standing Committees; Outcome document of the General debate; Closing sitting
Al Dafna, Sheraton Convention Center



Governing Council

Standing Committee on Peace and International Security

Standing Committee on Sustainable Development

Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights

Standing Committee on United Nations Affairs

Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians

Forum of Women Parliamentarians

Forum of Young Parliamentarians

Other meetings


1. Election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the 140th Assembly

2. Consideration of requests for the inclusion of an emergency item in the Assembly agenda

3. General Debate on the theme Parliaments as platforms to enhance education for peace, security and the rule of law

4. Non-admissibility of using mercenaries as a means of undermining peace and violating human rights
(Standing Committee on Peace and International Security)

5. The role of fair and free trade and investment in achieving the SDGs, especially regarding economic equality, sustainable infrastructure, industrialization and innovation
(Standing Committee on Sustainable Development, Finance and Trade)

6. Reports of the Standing Committees

7. Approval of the subject items for the Standing Committee on Peace and International Security and for the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development, Finance and Trade at the 142nd IPU Assembly and appointment of the Rapporteurs

8. Amendments to the IPU Statutes and Rules

List of participants

List of speakers

List of speakers 383.76 KB


Inaugural ceremony / Cérémonie inaugurale
Name / Nom Language / Langue
Ms. Gabriela Cuevas, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) / Mme Gabriela Cuevas, Présidente de l'Union Interparlementaire (UIP) English
Mr. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations / M. António Guterres, Secrétaire-Général des Nations Unies  English
Opening of the General Debate and Special Guests / Ouverture du débat général et invités spéciaux
Name / Nom Language / Langue
Dr. Rafael Yuste, The Brain Initiative English
Ms. María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés,  President, 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly / Mme María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés,  Présidente, 73ème session de l'Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies English
Ms. Susan Kihika, President, Bureau of Women Parliamentarians / Mme Susan Kihika, Présidente, Bureau des femmes parlementaires English
Ms. Mourine Osoru, President, Board of the IPU Forum of Young Parliamentarians / Mme Mourine Osoru, Présidente, Conseil du Forum des jeunes parlementaires de l'UIP  English
Mr. Abdi Aynte, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) , Mr. Ahmad Baker, Student Parliamentarian (Palestine) and Ms. Hanan Abu Assba, Student Parliamentarian (Palestine) / M. Abdi Aynte, Office de secours et de travaux des Nations unies pour les réfugiés de Palestine dans le Proche-Orient  (UNRWA) , M. Ahmad Baker, Parlementaire étudiant (Palestine) and Mlle Hanan Abu Assba, Parlementaire étudiante (Palestine) English
Emergency item / Point d'urgence
Name / Nom Language / Langue
Ms. Arda Gerkens, Member of Senate, Netherlands, and Vice-President, Committee on Democracy and Human Rights / Mme Arda Gerkens, Membre du Sénat, Pays-Bas et Vice-Présidente, Commission permanente de la démocratie et des droits de l’homme English
Speakers of Parliament / Présidents de parlement
No.* Name / Nom Country / Pays Language / Langue
2 N T. K. Ngan Viet Nam English / French
38 A. Ardeshir Larijani Iran (Islamic Republic of) / Iran (République islamique d’) English
39 N. Nigmatulin Kazhakstan English
8 A. Parubiy Ukraine English
14 A. Farrugia Malta / Malte English
12 M. Ali Houmed Djibouti Français
24 D. Syllouris Cyprus / Chypre English
20 P. Nyabenda Burundi Français
28 I. Sidibé Mali Français
35 W. Namgyel Bhutan / Bhoutan English
32 S. Bracke Belgium / Belgique English
44 A. Abdullahi Somalia / Somalie English
31 A. Mirzoyan Armenia / Arménie English
45 A.N. Amaral Timor-Leste English
48 P. Katjavivi Namibia / Namibie English

R. Nailatikau Epeli

Fiji / Fidji English

First speakers from delegations (Non-Presiding Officers) and invited organizations / Premiers orateurs des délégations (hormis les Présidents de parlement) et des organisations invitées

No.* Name / Nom Country / Pays Language / Langue
3 Y. Shen (Ms. / Mme) China / Chine English
5 C. Roth (Ms. / Mme) Germany / Allemagne English
8 A. Tolley (Ms. / Mme) New Zealand / Nouvelle-Zélande English
11 S. Pon (Ms. / Mme) Myanmar English
13 R. Myller (Ms. / Mme) Finland / Finlande English
18 G. Daudze Latvia / Lettonie English
19 S. Leudedmounsone (Ms. / Mme) Lao People's Democratic Republic / République démocratique populaire lao English
23 D. Dawson Canada English
31 M. Saidane Tunisia / Tunisie English / Français
32 K. Wasinondh Thailand / Thaïlande English
34 A. Pagano Italy / Italie English
35 H. Julien-Laferrière France Français
37 B. M. Tshireletso (Ms. / Mme) Botswana English
43 I. Dimic (Ms. / Mme) Slovenia / Slovénie English
51 J. Hassler Liechtenstein English
47 G. Silberschmidt

World Health Organization (WHO) / Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS)

50 S. Boule The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria / Le Fonds mondial de lutte contre le sida, la tuberculose et le paludisme English

Second speakers from delegations / Seconds orateurs des délégations

No.* Name / Nom Country / Pays Language / Langue

P. Van Den Driessche

Belgium / Belgique English
6 M. Triantafyllou (Ms./Mme) Greece / Grèce English

Young Parliamentarians / Jeunes parlementaires

No.* Name / Nom Country / Pays Language / Langue

S. De Crom

Belgium / Belgique English
3 M. Bensouf Tunisia / Tunisie English / Français
7 A. Shkrum Ukraine English
11 U. Lechte Germany / Allemagne English

Emergency item

Requests for inclusion of an emergency item

Under the terms of Assembly Rule 11.1, any Member of the Union may request the inclusion of an emergency item in the Assembly agenda. Such a request must be accompanied by a brief explanatory memorandum and a draft resolution which clearly define the scope of the subject covered by the request. The Secretariat shall communicate the request and any such documents immediately to all Members.

Furthermore, Assembly Rule 11.2 stipulates that:

(a) A request for the inclusion of an emergency item must relate to a major event of international concern on which it appears necessary for the IPU to express its opinion. Such a request must receive a two-thirds majority of the votes cast in order to be accepted;

(b) The Assembly may place only one emergency item on its agenda. Should several requests obtain the requisite majority, the one having received the largest number of positive votes shall be accepted;

(c) The authors of two or more requests for the inclusion of an emergency item may combine their proposals to present a joint one, provided that each of the original proposals relates to the same subject;

(d) The subject of a proposal that has been withdrawn by its authors or rejected by the Assembly cannot be included in the draft resolution submitted on the emergency item, unless it is clearly referred to in the request and title of the subject adopted by the Assembly.

Emergency item: Call for urgent international action to support Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe hit by Cyclone Idai
List of requests for inclusion of an emergency item
Request submitted by the delegations of Indonesia, Kuwait, Morocco and Turkey (7 April 2019)
Request submitted by the delegation of the Netherlands (2 April 2019)



Reporting by Members

In October 2017 (St. Petersburg), the Governing Council endorsed the Executive Committee’s recommendation to pursue a new approach to the annual reporting exercise by IPU Members whereby a number of parliaments from each geopolitical group would be selected on a rotational basis to share their experiences.

The following Guidelines for the periodic reporting exercise provide the reference framework for the new reporting exercise, as a transitional measure. If successful, the new modality would subsequently be reflected in the IPU Statutes and Rules.


1. All IPU Members shall submit periodic reports, on average once every four years. The IPU Secretariat shall facilitate the exercise by preparing a questionnaire. 

2. The periodic reports shall focus on parliamentary follow-up to:

  •  - Resolutions of the Standing Committees;
  •  - Resolutions relating to the emergency item;
  •  - Outcome documents of the General Debate;
  •  - Decisions of the Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians;
  •  - Plans of Action (such as the 2012 IPU Plan of Action for Gender-sensitive Parliaments);
  •  - Initiatives of the Forum of Women Parliamentarians and of the Forum of Young MPs of the IPU;
  •  - Outcome documents of specialized meetings (such as regional and national seminars);
  •  - Decisions and recommendations of other IPU bodies.

3. In addition to their statutory reporting obligation on a rotational basis, IPU Members can submit, at any time, voluntary reports on parliamentary follow-up action.

4. The Executive Committee and geopolitical group Chairpersons shall monitor the submission of reports under the rotational system and ensure that IPU Members meet their reporting obligations.

5. IPU Members are invited to submit periodic reports according to the order established by Annex 1 to the Guidelines. When a Member cannot submit a report within the expected timeline, due to conditions beyond its control, it shall inform the Secretary General accordingly. Such a Member shall submit its report the following year.

The Secretary General will issue a report to the Governing Council at the 141st IPU Assembly (Belgrade, October 2019) based on input from Members. based on input from Members. The IPU membership will be informed of the outcome of the reporting exercise during a dedicated session. The preceding report on action taken by Members to follow up on IPU decisions and resolutions is available here.

To know when your parliament is expected to take part in the reporting exercise, please see this list.

To access the 2019 questionnaire on follow-up to IPU decisions and resolutions please click here.

Remember that all IPU Members can submit voluntary reports at any time!