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Gender Partnership Group

The Gender Partnership Group was set up to establish genuine collaboration between men and women MPs as they work together for democracy. 

It is made up of two men and two women members of our Executive Committee. The Group’s task is to guarantee that the interests and visions of male and female MPs are taken into account equally in all our activities and decisions.

The Group oversees and initiates gender reform within our Organization, which has now a formal policy to mainstream gender into all our work.

The Gender Partnership Group  has played a major and ground-breaking role in changing our rules to encourage Member Parliaments to include both men and women in their delegations. IPU rules now state that any delegation made up entirely of MPs of the same sex for three consecutive sessions will lose some of its voting rights at our twice-yearly Assemblies.

The work of the Gender Partnership Group is also part of our wider commitment and action on gender equality. It has also led our work on Gender-Sensitive Parliaments.

The Group was set up in 1997 and meets at each Assembly. It is part of the Executive Committee  and reports to our Governing Council

Much of our political work on gender equality is also driven by our Forum of Women Parliamentarians and its Bureau.  


Mr. A. R. Al Nuaimi

United Arab Emirates

Ms. C. López Castro


Ms. S. Mikayilova


Mr. A. Almodóbar Barceló
