The IPU High-Level Advisory Group on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism was established during the 137th IPU Assembly in October 2017 to serve as the global parliamentary focal point for counter-terrorism-related parliamentary activities. Its creation led to the establishment of the IPU’s programme on counter-terrorism and prevention of violent extremism (CTPVE).
The HLAG’s composition is gender-balanced, encompasses all geopolitical groups, and consists of 21 members of national parliaments appointed based on their expertise. In addition, the President of the Bureau of Women Parliamentarians and the President of the Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians are ex officio members. It usually meets twice a year in camera during IPU Assemblies, although additional meetings may be held at other times. It is a subsidiary body of the Governing Council, to which it reports.
The HLAG guides the work of the IPU programme on counter-terrorism and prevention of violent extremism (CTPVE), which focuses directly on the primary functions of parliamentarians, one of which is representing their constituents. This function is crucial in addressing the conditions conducive to terrorism and preventing violent extremism.
At present, 42% of the members of the Group are women.