The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is the world's main policy-making body dedicated exclusively to gender equality and the advancement of women. It is part of the United Nations, and works to promote women's political, economic, civil, social and educational rights. The CSW also works for equality, development and peace, monitors whether measures are being implemented, and makes sure that gender issues are taken into account across the UN. It can also highlight urgent problems, such as the situation of women and girls affected by conflict.
We work closely with the Commission. For more than 10 years, IPU has held an annual parliamentary event at the CSW in New York, in partnership with UN Women. The event allows MPs to contribute to the work of the CSW and follow its debates. They can also learn from the wealth of information, exchanges and meetings that it generates. The event provides a parliamentary input to the Commission’s work, and so ensures that parliament’s voice is heard on issues of shared concern.
We also organize side events at the CSW, often with partner organizations. These events focus on issues that concern MPs attending the main parliamentary event and the Commission itself. Some of our side events have focused on parliament’s role in fighting sexism and violence against women MPs; increasing gender and youth quotas in parliament, advancing the women, peace and security agenda in the Arab region, combatting cyber violence against women, and the challenging world of women in politics.