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UN resolutions and reports linked to the IPU

Since 2002, when the IPU became a Permanent Observer to the United Nations, IPU representatives have regularly addressed sessions of the UN General Assembly and its subsidiary organs, as well as major United Nations conferences and high-level events.

Every two years, the UN Secretary-General issues a Report and the UN General Assembly adopts a Resolution on interaction between the UN, parliaments and the IPU. 

The IPU also distributes its official documents (i.e., resolutions and declarations) in the General Assembly, which has enabled it to bring a parliamentary dimension to the discussions of the United Nations.

United Nations reports and resolutions concerning the relationship with parliaments and the IPU  /  Rapports et résolutions des Nations Unies concernant les relations avec l'UIP Date

Language / Langue

Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (A/RES/76/270) / Interaction entre l’Organisation des Nations Unies, les parlements nationaux et l’Union interparlementaire (A/RES/76/270) 21/06/2022 English / Français / Espanõl / Arabic / Chinese / Russian
Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Report of the UN Secretary-General (A/76/780) / Interaction entre l’Organisation des Nations Unies, les parlements nationaux et l’Union interparlementaire, Rapport du Secrétaire général de l'ONU (A/76/780) 31/03/2022 English / Français / Espanõl / Arabic / Chinese / Russian
Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (A/RES/76/780) / Interaction entre l’Organisation des Nations Unies, les parlements nationaux et l’Union interparlementaire (A/RES/76/780) 31/03/2022 EnglishFrançais

Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (A/RES/74/304) / Interaction entre l’Organisation des Nations Unies, les parlements nationaux et l’Union interparlementaire (A/RES/74/304)


English / Français / Español / Arabic / Chinese / Russian

List of co-sponsors of the 2020 resolution / Liste des co-auteurs de la résolution de 2020 22/05/2020 English / Français 

Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Report of the UN Secretary-General (A/74/759) / Interaction entre l’Organisation des Nations Unies, les parlements nationaux et l’Union interparlementaire, Rapport du Secrétaire général de l'ONU  (A/74/759)


English / Français / Espanõl / Arabic / Chinese / Russian

Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (A/RES/72/278) / Interaction entre l’Organisation des Nations Unies, les parlements nationaux et l’Union interparlementaire (A/RES/72/278) 23/05/2018 English / Français
List of co-sponsors of the 2018 resolution / Liste des co-auteurs de la résolution de 2018  22/05/2018 English / Français
Contribution of parliaments to the work of the Human Rights Council and its universal periodic review: Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / Contribution des parlements aux travaux du Conseil des droits de l’homme et à son Examen périodique universel : Rapport du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l’homme 17/05/2018 English / Français

Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Report of the UN Secretary-General (A/72/791) / Interaction entre l’Organisation des Nations Unies, les parlements nationaux et l’Union interparlementaire, Rapport du Secrétaire général de l'ONU (A/72/791)

14/03/2018 English / Français / Espanõl / Arabic / Chinese / Russian
Selection of speeches delivered by IPU representatives at recent United Nations events / Discours prononcés par des représentants de l'UIP lors de réunions des Nations Unies Date Language / Langue
General Assembly consultations on Enhancing International Cooperation 10/3/2022 English
AD Hoc Committee International Convention on the Use of Information and Communication Technologies for Criminal Purposes 1/3/2022 English
High Level Meeting of the Group of Friends of the UNAOC 8/2/2022 English
High-Level Thematic Dialogue on “Delivering on climate action for people planet and prosperity” 23/10/2021 English
High Level Meeting of the General Assembly on HIV/AIDS 08/07/2021 English
PrepCom for the 5th UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries 26/07/2021 English
Special Session of the General Assembly on Corruption 04/06/2021 English
65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women 15-11/03/2021 English
Meeting of the Group of Friends of the UN Alliance of Civilizations 2/10/2020 English

Meeting of the General Assembly to mark the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

2/10/2020 English
High level meeting of the General Assembly on the 25th Anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women 1/10/2020 English
United Nations Summit on Biodiversity 30/09/2020 English
High Level Meeting of the General Assembly to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations 21/09/2020 English
SDG Summit 25/09/2019 English
High Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage 23/09/2019 English
High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 19/07/2019 English
High Level Meeting of the General Assembly on International Day of Multilateralism 24/04/2019 English
High Level Meeting on the Protection of the Global Climate 28/03/2019 English
Launch of the Strategy on Equality in Law for Women and Girls by 2030 20/03/2018 English
63rd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women 18/03/2019 English
Group of Friends of the UN Alliance of Civilizations 20/11/2018 English
World Investment Forum at UNCTAD 22/10/2018 English
Nelson Mandela Peace Summit 2/10/2018 English
Special event on Levelling the Law for Women and Girls by 2030 25/09/2018 English
High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 17/07/2018 English
IPU Statement, 6th Review of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy / Déclaration de l’UIP, Sixième Examen de la Stratégie antiterroriste mondiale des Nations Unies 27/06/2018 English
Stakeholders meeting of the Global Compact on Migration 18/05/2018 English
Address by Senator Andrea Caroni (Switzerland) to High Level Meeting of the UNGA on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace / Discours du représentant de l’UIP, le Sénateur Andrea Caroni (Suisse) à la Réunion de haut niveau consacrée à la consolidation de la paix et au maintien de la paix 25/04/2018  English
Statement by Senator Laura Rojas (Mexico) to High Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace / Discours de la Sénatrice Laura Rojas (Mexique) à la Réunion de haut niveau consacrée à la consolidation de la paix et au maintien de la paix 25/04/2018 English
Speech by Margaret Mensah Williams (Namibia) to the the 62nd session of the Commission for Women (CSW) / Discours de Margaret Mensah Williams (Namibie) à la 62ème session de la Commission de la condition de la femme 13/0/2018 English
Speech by the IPU Secretary General at the United Nations Human Rights Council High-Level Segment / Allocution du Sécretaire Général devant le Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies, segment de haut niveau 27/02/2018 English / Français
Closing Remarks by the IPU President at the Annual Parliamentary Hearing at the United Nations / Allocution de clôture de la Présidente de l'UIP à l'Audition parlementaire aux Nations Unies 23/02/2018 English
Opening Remarks by the IPU President at the Annual Parliamentary Hearing at the United Nations / Allocution d’ouverture de la Présidente de l'UIP à l'Audition parlementaire aux Nations Unies 22/02/2018 English

Go to documents from 2002 to 2017.