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41 publications
A global comparative study based on the analysis of information supplied by over 130 parliamentary chambers and supplemented with information contained in the IPU's Parline database and collection of basic documentation on parliaments. Focuses on the nature, duration and exercise
The opposition is a useful and necessary component of democracy, especially in ensuring transparent and accountable government that serves the people's interest. The guidelines on the role and duties of the opposition in parliament were developed in the context of
By G.S. Goodwin-Gill. This IPU-commissioned work, by Professor Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, of Oxford University (United Kingdom), provides a comprehensive review of practical problems and solutions relating to the financing of elections, media coverage, election observation, campaign practices and the institutionalisation
The word democracy is one of the most used terms of the political vocabulary and, while it has given rise to much comment and reflection over the years, no text was ever adopted at the world level by politicians to
By Georges Bergougnous. The Speakers of representative Assemblies occupy a privileged place in Parliaments which could not work without them. In most countries, they rank very high in the State hierarchy and are invested with important authority under national Constitutions