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Mountains, Parliaments, and the Global Goal for Adaptation- Preparing for COP28


14:00-15:30 CET

The Global Goal for Adaptation (GGA), established under the 2015 Paris Agreement, seeks to address climate change impacts and enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities and ecosystems, Mountains have been defined as a thematic area of importance under the GGA due to their sensitivity to climate change impacts.

The IPU and Adaptation at Altitude programme are co-organizing a virtual event that will provide parliamentarians and other stakeholders with an overview of the importance of including mountain areas in adaptation plans and how to integrate mountains in the negotiations at COP28. The event will highlight promote dialogue between parliamentarians and experts on the GGA. A new joint publication from the IPU and Adaptation at Altitude on parliamentary climate action in mountains will also be launched during the event. 

The virtual event is open to parliamentarians and parliamentary staff. It will take place on Zoom. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English, French and Spanish.

adaption altitude


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