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Parliamentary Event at the SDG Summit and other High Level Meetings

Church Center, 777 UN Plaza (44th Street, near 1st Avenue)
New York, United States


A number of important events will take place during the opening High Level Week of the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations from 18 to 22 September, in New York. World leaders will converge to focus on the burning issues of our time and agree to a common set of solutions. Topping the list of high level events is the much anticipated SDG Summit, on 18-19 September.

The IPU will organize a meeting for members of parliament on Thursday, 21 September. As is the case for all of our events connected to global summits, this Parliamentary Event will be open to members of parliament travelling to New York together with their national (governmental) delegation.

The time, venue and programme of the Parliamentary Event will be announced in early September.

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