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The role of policymakers and regulators in promoting a rights-based approach to the regulation of digital platforms



14.00 to 18.00 CET

The internet and social media have paved the way for more interaction and connectivity, but also facilitated the rise of online intimidation, and mis- and disinformation. For MPs, as public figures, this is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, several of them have been victims of online abuse for exercising their right to freedom of expression and subject to campaigns of misinformation. On the other hand, MPs can also use their online presence to do exactly the same vis-à-vis others.

The purpose of this hybrid side-event is to identify the role and responsibility that parliaments and policymakers have in helping ensure that digital platforms are used and regulated in a human rights‑compliant manner. The side-event will also aim to share relevant parliamentary experiences and good practices in this area, to offer an opportunity for members of parliament to provide their perspective on UNESCO’s digital platforms regulatory framework and to identify concrete areas for capacity building for policymakers and regulators.

This side-event will take place in the margins of the Global Conference Internet for Trust: Towards Guidelines Regulating Digital Platforms for Information as Public Good organized by UNESCO from 21 to 23 February 2023 at its headquarters in Paris.

Languages: English, French.

For more information, please contact [email protected]

News Story: Policymakers and regulators united to support a human rights-based approach to the regulation of digital platforms


Save the date 107.18 KB
Concept note 208.82 KB
Programme 176.45 KB
Registration form 209.98 KB
Practical note 1.84 MB