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The use of social media by parliaments: case studies from Brazil


11 March 2024, 15:00–16:00 Geneva, CET

This Public Engagement Hub seminar (jointly organised by the IPU and IPEN) will focus on the use of social media by parliaments to boost public engagement, drawing from recent research on the topic.

Isabele B. Mitozo and Thales Quintão are well known researchers in this area, providing us with a unique insight into the trends in the use of social media by parliament.  

The seminar will follow an in-conversation format, through which the speakers will discuss challenges and benefits faced by parliament in the use of social media to engage with citizens, as well as identifying trends in the way this use has developed and an overview of current practice.


Speakers: Isabele B. Mitozo (Assistant Professor, Political Science Department, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil); Thales Quintão (Research Fellow, Political Science Department, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil)


Language(s): English, French

This webinar is jointly organised by the IPU and the International Parliament Engagement Network (IPEN)

The event is part of the series of webinars hosted by the Public engagement hub in IPU’s Centre for Innovation in Parliament in follow-up to the 2022 IPU-UNDP Global Parliamentary Report on Public engagement in the work of parliament

For more information, please contact [email protected].

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