The Inter-Parliamentary Union, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), the Youth Fusion and the World Future Council (WFC) are co-organizing a webinar on parliamentary action to ensure equal participation in disarmament initiatives.
The UN Secretary-General’s report Securing our Common Future, recommends that, in order to sustainably rid societies of the weight of armed violence, disarmament and arms control processes should include all relevant stakeholders and impacted parties. This includes empowering women and ensuring that they have an equal voice with men in peace and conflict resolution processes. Yet, while women are disproportionately affected by weapons proliferation and armed conflicts, their experience and knowledge are still not sufficiently recognized in peace processes.
Leaning on the recommendations made in Assuring our Common Future, including the section on Ensuring the participation of women in peace and disarmament, this webinar will encourage parliaments to identify and address the barriers that limit the participation of women in peace and disarmament-related matters
The webinar will take place in two sittings to suit participants in different time zones. While session A will be in English only, the working languages of session B will be English, Spanish, and French.
Session A: Timed for Asia/Pacific: 7:00 – 8:30 CET:
Session B: Timed for Europe/Africa/the Americas: 16.00 – 17:30 CET