The President of IPU's Committee on Peace and International Security, Mexican Senator Laura Rojas, has told a UN review of global efforts to stop the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) that MPs, through the IPU, are committed to these efforts. She was speaking in New York at the Comprehensive Review of UN Resolution 1540, which calls on States to take steps to prevent non-government forces getting hold of nuclear, chemical or biological arms. Senator Rojas said IPU had begun galvanizing MPs in 2013, identifying a lack of awareness, and had co-organized a ground-breaking seminar for African MPs held in Côte d'Ivoire in February, which made a number of recommendations. These included the need for MPs to develop specific laws and strong verification regimes as set out in the resolution, with monitoring of government policies and actions; and the need for parliaments and governments to work more closely together to achieve effective implementation of Resolution 1540. The three-day UN review, which ended on 22 June, will be followed by a new Security Council Resolution. IPU’s delegation to the review also included MPs from Côte d'Ivoire and Chad.