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Data points :

Conseil national de transition (Transitional National Council), Conseil national de transition (Transitional National Council)

The IPU data corresponds to the lower chamber if the parliament is bicameral. For information about upper chambers, refer to Parline

Women in parliament
of MPs are women
Youth in parliament
of MPs are under 45
MPs' human rights
cases currently treated by the Committee on the Human Rights of MPs

This page contains the latest IPU news and data for this parliament. The percentage of women in parliament and the percentage of youth participation correspond to the lower chamber if the parliament is bicameral. The number of MP human rights cases corresponds to the latest decisions of the IPU Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians.

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International Day of Parliamentarism 2022: More diversity, slightly fewer functioning parliaments

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News in brief

Promoting sustainable development in the Sahel

The Sahel could potentially be one of the richest regions in the world if a comprehensive and multidimensional framework like those offered by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) could be implemented. According to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Sahel
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IPU calls for swift return to constitutional rule in Mali

The IPU strongly condemns the coup in Mali that took place on 18 August. Any change of government through the military goes against the core principles of democracy. The IPU calls for respect for the rule of law and for
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News in brief
© IPU/C. Montant

IPU and UN support Sahel Parliaments in the fight against terrorism

In an area vulnerable to terrorism and violent extremism, the IPU, the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), in partnership with the National Assembly of Niger, organized a conference for parliamentarians from the region in Niamey from 12 to 14 June 2019.
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Public meeting in Mali

IPU supports citizen engagement to foster reconciliation in Mali

Since 2012, Mali has been experiencing a period of instability and conflict, due to the occupation of the north of the country by armed groups, numerous terrorist attacks and inter-community violence. In addition, in August 2020, following the overthrow of
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