Using generative AI in parliaments
Generative AI (GenAI) has emerged since late 2022 as a new way to create content. It promises productivity gains and, perhaps, transformational change.
Generative AI (GenAI) has emerged since late 2022 as a new way to create content. It promises productivity gains and, perhaps, transformational change.
This Issues brief is designed to help parliamentarians identify policies and actions to adapt to the consequences of climate change in mountain ecoysystems.
The present regional study, the second in the series, focuses on parliaments in Africa and was carried out in partnership with the African Parliamentary Union (APU).
Universal health coverage (UHC) means that everyone, regardless of their personal circumstances, should have access to affordable high-quality health services.
All production and consumption has a direct impact on the environment in terms, e.g., of pollution, waste and resource depletion, which in turn affects human well-being and exacts an economic cost.
This regional study seeks to take the initial findings of a 2016 IPU report further, focusing specifically on the situation in parliaments in Europe.
This Issues Brief aims to clearly delineate the issues at stake by analysing the results of a first study specifically devoted to the subject of sexism, harassment and violence against women i