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Teacher training by parliaments: case studies from Brazil and the UK


15:00 to 16:00 CEST

This Public Engagement Hub seminar, jointly organised by the IPU and IPEN, will focus on teacher training by parliaments. It will showcase how two parliaments have tried to amplify their education provision by investing in teacher training programmes.

 We will hear about how the Chamber of Deputies in the Brazilian Congress and the UK Parliament have approached teacher training – including the Pedagogic Mission programme in Brazil and the Teacher Ambassador programme in the UK.

 The seminar will address the provision they offer specifically aimed at teachers, what works particularly well, and where challenges remain.

Language(s): English, French, Spanish

This webinar is jointly organised by the IPU and the International Parliament Engagement Network (IPEN)

The event is part of the series of webinars hosted by the Public engagement hub in IPU’s Centre for Innovation in Parliament in follow-up to the 2022 IPU-UNDP Global Parliamentary Report on Public engagement in the work of parliament.

For more information, please contact [email protected].

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Speakers: Corina Castro e Silva Braga de Oliveira and Maria Alice Gomes de Oliveira (Coordination of Education for Democracy, Chamber of Deputies, Brazil); David Carr (Senior Teacher Training Specialist, Education and Engagement, UK Parliament)
