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144th Assembly and related meetings


Nusa Dua, Indonesia


At the invitation of the Parliament of Indonesia, the 144th Assembly of the IPU and its related meetings will be held in Nusa Dua, Bali (Bali International Convention Centre) from Sunday, 20 to Thursday, 24 March 2022.

All IPU statutory bodies, including the Governing Council, Standing Committees, Committees on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians and on Middle East Questions, as well as the Forum of Women Parliamentarians and the Forum of Young MPs, will convene during this Assembly. The General Debate will provide a platform for delegates to deliberate, exchange views and seek to galvanize parliamentary action to address the climate emergency.

The Assembly will adopt resolutions on the emergency item and on the subject item taken up by the Standing Committee on Peace and International Security entitled Rethinking and reframing the approach to peace processes with a view to fostering lasting peace and by the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development entitled Leveraging Information and Communication Technology as an enabler for the education sector, including in times of pandemic. The Assembly is expected to conclude with the adoption of an outcome document on the overall theme of the General Debate.

Documents in Spanish (the translation is the responsibility of the GRULAC Secretariat)

Indonesian Parliament’s Assembly website

Friday, 18 March 2022 - Friday, 18 March 2022

- Beginning of Registration
- Executive Committee
(Closed meeting)
- Executive Committee
(Closed meeting)

Saturday, 19 March 2022 - Saturday, 19 March 2022

- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
(Closed meeting)
- Executive Committee
(Closed meeting)
- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
(Closed meeting)

Sunday, 20 March 2022 - Sunday, 20 March 2022

- Bureau of Women Parliamentarians
(Closed meeting)
- Meeting of Advisers and Secretaries to delegations
- Forum of Women Parliamentarians
- Break out Group of the Forum of Women Parliamentarians
- Joint Meeting with the Chairpersons of the Geopolitical Groups and the Presidents of the Standing Committees
(Closed meeting)
- Forum of Women Parliamentarians
- Committee on Middle East Questions
(Closed meeting)
- Advisory Group on Health (ENGLISH ONLY)
(Closed meeting)
- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
(Closed meeting)
- Inaugural Ceremony

Monday, 21 March 2022 - Monday, 21 March 2022

- Assembly Steering Committee
(Closed meeting)
- Governing Council
- Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians
(Closed meeting)
- Standing Committee on Peace and International Security
Debate and start of drafting in plenary on the draft resolution on Rethinking and reframing the approach to peace processes with a view to fostering lasting peace
- Standing Committee on Sustainable Development
Debate and start of drafting in plenary on the draft resolution on Leveraging Information and Communication Technology as an enabler for the education sector, including in times of pandemic
- ASGP Meeting
- Assembly
Start of the General Debate on the theme Getting to zero: Mobilizing parliaments to act on climate change
- Bureau of the Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights
(Closed meeting)
- Panel discussion on Leveraging parliamentary budgeting powers for children
Organized jointly by the IPU and UNICEF
- Assembly
General Debate
- ASGP Meeting
- High-Level Advisory Group on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism
(Closed meeting)
- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
(Closed meeting)
- Standing Committee on Peace and International Security
Drafting in plenary of the resolution on Rethinking and reframing the approach to peace processes with a view to fostering lasting peace
- Forum of Young Parliamentarians of the IPU
- Assembly: Decision on the emergency item

Tuesday, 22 March 2022 - Tuesday, 22 March 2022

- Assembly
- Debate on the emergency item, and
- Continuation of the General Debate
- Bureau of the Standing Committee on United Nations Affairs
- Standing Committee on Peace and International Security
Completion of drafting in plenary of the resolution on Rethinking and reframing the approach to peace processes with a view to fostering lasting peace
- Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights
Debate on the draft resolution to be adopted at the 145th Assembly on Parliamentary impetus to local and regional development of countries with high levels of international migration and to stopping all forms, including state-sponsored, of human trafficking and human rights abuses
- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
(Closed meeting)
- ASGP Meeting
- Workshop on health security preparedness
Organized jointly by the IPU and WHO
- Workshop on Engaging for a universal ban on nuclear tests
Organized jointly by the IPU and the CTBTO
(Closed meeting)
- Panel discussion on International cooperation to prosecute corruption and recover stolen assets
Organized jointly by the IPU and GOPAC
- Working Group on Science and Technology
(Closed meeting)
- ASGP Meeting
- Standing Committee on Sustainable Development
Drafting in plenary of the resolution on Leveraging Information and Communication Technology as an enabler for the education sector, including in times of pandemic
- Assembly
- Special segment – Presentation of the 2022 Global Parliamentary Report
- Continuation of the General Debate – List B
- Possible drafting committee on the emergency item
- Bureau of the Standing Committee on Peace and International Security
(Closed meeting)

Wednesday, 23 March 2022 - Wednesday, 23 March 2022

- Gender Partnership Group
(Closed meeting)
- Bureau of the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development
(Closed meeting)
- Assembly
Continuation of the General Debate
- Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights
Panel discussion on The role of parliaments in reconciling health measures during a pandemic with the preservation of civil liberties
- ASGP Meeting
- Executive Committee
(Closed meeting)
- Committee to Promote Respect for International Humanitarian Law
(Closed meeting)
- Standing Committee on Peace and International Security
Adoption of the draft resolution on Rethinking and reframing the approach to peace processes with a view to fostering lasting peace
- ASGP Meeting
- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
(Closed meeting)
- Standing Committee on United Nations Affairs
- Assembly
- Adoption of the resolution on the emergency item
- Special session on accountability in the implementation of IPU decisions
- Conclusion of the General Debate
- Standing Committee on Sustainable Development
Adoption of the draft resolution on Leveraging Information and Communication Technology as an enabler for the education sector, including in times of pandemic

Thursday, 24 March 2022 - Thursday, 24 March 2022

- Bureau of Women Parliamentarians
(Closed meeting)
- Governing Council
- Decisions on the human rights of MPs, and
- Reports of specialized meetings
- Governing Council
- Assembly
Following the end of the Governing Council
- Adoption of resolutions
- Reports of the Standing Committees
- Outcome document of the General Debate, and
- Closing sitting



Governing Council

Standing Committee on Peace and International Security

Standing Committee on Sustainable Development

Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights

Standing Committee on United Nations Affairs

Forum of Women Parliamentarians

Forum of Young Parliamentarians

Other meetings

Emergency Item

Requests for inclusion of an emergency item

Under the terms of Assembly Rule 11.1, any Member of the Union may request the inclusion of an emergency item in the Assembly agenda. Such a request must be accompanied by a brief explanatory memorandum and a draft resolution which clearly define the scope of the subject covered by the request. The Secretariat shall communicate the request and any such documents immediately to all Members.

Furthermore, Assembly Rule 11.2 stipulates that:

(a) A request for the inclusion of an emergency item must relate to a major event of international concern on which it appears necessary for the IPU to express its opinion. Such a request must receive a two-thirds majority of the votes cast in order to be accepted;

(b) The Assembly may place only one emergency item on its agenda. Should several requests obtain the requisite majority, the one having received the largest number of positive votes shall be accepted;

(c) The authors of two or more requests for the inclusion of an emergency item may combine their proposals to present a joint one, provided that each of the original proposals relates to the same subject;

(d) The subject of a proposal that has been withdrawn by its authors or rejected by the Assembly cannot be included in the draft resolution submitted on the emergency item, unless it is clearly referred to in the request and title of the subject adopted by the Assembly.

Country / Pays
Name / Nom Language / Langue
Mr. Duarte Pacheco, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) / M. Duarte Pacheco, Présidente de l'Union Interparlementaire (UIP) English / Français
Ms. / Mme P. Maharani, Speaker of the House of Representatives / Présidente de la Chambre des représentants English / Français
Mr. António Guterres, Secrétaire général of the United Nations / M. António Guterres, Secrétaire général des Nations Unies English / Français
Afghanistan Mr. / M Mir Rahman RAHMANI, President of the House of People / Président de la Chambre du Peuple English
Andorra / Andorre Ms. / Mme Berna Coma, Head of delegation / Cheffe de la délégation Français
Angola M. suzana Melo, Second Vice-President of the National Assembly / Seconde vice-présidente de l'Assemblée Nationale English
Arab Parliament Mr. / M. Adel Bin AbdulRahman ALASOOMI, President of the Arab Parliament / Président du parlement arabe English
Armenia / Arménie Alen Simonyan, President of the National Assembly / President de l'Assemblée nationale English
Australia / Australie Ms. / Mme Hollie Hughes, Member of the Senate / Membre du Sénat English
Austria / Autriche Ms. / Mme Ewa Ernst-Dziedzic, Member of the National Council / Membre du conseil national English
Austria / Autriche Mr. / M Reinhold Lopatka, Member of the National Council / Membre du conseil national English
Bahrain / Bahrein Ms. / Mme H. Ramzy Fayez, First Vice President of the Bureau of Women Parliamentarians / Première vice-présidente du bureau des femmes parlementaires English
Bangladesh Mr. / M Khan Ahmed Shuvo, Member of the Parliament / Parlementaire English
Belgium / Belgique Mr. / M Andries Gryffroy, Member of the Senate / Membre du Sénat English
Belgium / Belgique Mr. / M Samuel COGOLATI, Member of the Chamber of Representatives / Membre de la Chambre des Représentants English
Benin / Bénin Mr. / M Nassirou Bako-Arifari, Member of the National Assemblée / Membre de l'Assemblée nationale Français
Botswana / Botswana Mr. / M P.T.C. Skelemani, Member of the National Assembly / Membre de l'Assemblée Nationale English
Bulgaria / Bulgarie Ms / Mme Rositsa Kirova, Deputy Speaker of Parliament / Vice-présidente du parlement English
Cambodia / Cambodge Mr. / M. Yong SEM Member of the Senate / membre du Sénat English
Canada / Canada Mr. / M David McGuinty, President of the Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union / Président du Groupe canadien de l’Union interparlementaire English / Français
Chile / Chili Ms. / Mme Claudia Mix, Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies / Vice présidente de la Chambre des députés Espagnol
Czech Republic / République Tchèque Mr. / M Viktor VOJTKO, Member of the Chamber of Deputies / Membre de la chambre des députés English
Dem Rep Congo / Dém Rép Congo Mr / M Eddy Mundela Kanku, First Deputy Speaker of the Senat / Premier Vice-président du Sénat Français
Dem Rep Congo / Dém Rép Congo Ms. / Mme Francine Furaha Muyumba, Senator / Sénatrice Français
Denmark / Danemark Rasmus Horn Langhoff, Member of the Parliament / Parlementaire English
Denmark / Danemark Ms. / Mme Fatma Oektem, Member of Parliament / Membre du parlement English
ECOWAS Mr. / M Sidie Mohamed Tunis, Honorable Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament / Président du Parlement de la Communauté économique des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest English / Français
Ecuador / Equateur Ms. / Mme Wilma Andrade, Member of the National Assembly / Membre de l'Assemblée Nationale Espagnol
Ecuador / Equateur Mr. / M. Christian Pabel Muñoz Lopez, Member of the National Assembly / Membre de l'Assemblée Nationale Espagnol
Egypt / Egypte Ms. / Mme Sahar Al Bazar, President of the Board of Young Parliamentarians / Présidente du conseil des jeunes parlementaires English
Equatorial Guinea / Guinée Equatoriale Mr. / M. Gaudencio Mohaba Messu, Chamber of Deputies / Chambre des députés Espagnol
Estonia / Estonie Mr. / M Toomas Kivimägi, Member of Parliament / Parlementaire English
Finland / Finlande Ms. / Mme Heli JÄRVINEN, Member of Parliament / Membre du parlement English
Finland / Finlande Mr. / M Sebastien Tynkkynen, Member of Parliament / Membre du Parlement English
France Ms. / Mme Nadia Essayan, Member of the National Assembly /Membre de l’Assemblée nationale Français
Germany / Allemagne Ms. / Mme Michelle Muntefering, Member of the Bundestag / Membre du Bundestag English
Ghana Mr. / M Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, Member the Parliament - Parlementaire English
GOPAC Mr. / M Fadli Zon, GOPAC Vice Chair English
Greece / Grèce Mr. / M. Stefanos Gkikas, Leader of the delegation / Chef de la délégation English
Guinea / Guinée Mr. / M Mamadou Fadia Balde, Member of the National Assembly / Membre de l’Assemblée nationale Français
Guyana / Guyane Mr. / M Mohabir Anil Nandlall, Member of Parliament / Parlementaire English
Guyana / Guyane Mr. / M Christopher Jones, Member of Parliament / Parlementaire English
Guyana / Guyane Mr. / M Manzoor Nadir, Speaker of the National Assembly / Président de l'Assemblée Nationale English
Iceland / Islande Mr. / M Johann Fridrik Fridriksson, Member of Parliament / Parlementaire English
India / Inde Mr. / M Bhartruhari Mahtab, Member of the House of the People / Membre de la chambre du peuple English
India / Inde Mr. / M Syed Zafar Islam, Member of the Council of States / Membre du conseil des états English
Indonesia / Indonésie Ms. / Mme P. Maharani, Speaker of the House of Representatives / Présidente de la Chambre des représentants English
Iran Ms. / Mme Elham Azad, Member of the Islamic Parliament / Membre du parlement Islamic English
Israel / Israël Mr. / M Avi Dichter, Member of Parliament / Parlementaire English
Italy / Italie Mr./M. Pier Ferdinando Casini, Honorary IPU President / Président honoraire de l’UIP English
Kazakhstan Mr. / M Yeldos ABAKANOV, Member of the Mazhilis of the Parliament / Membre de la Mazhilis du Parlement English
Latvia / Lettonie Mr. / M Edmunds Teirumnieks, Member of parliament / Parlementaire English
Liberal international Ms. / Mme Liliana Tanguy, Member / Membre Français
Madagascar Mr. / M. Miarintsoa Rakotomalala, Member of the National Assembly Français
Malawi Ms. / Mme Catherine GOTANI HARA, Speaker of the National Assembly / Présidente de l'Assemblée Nationale English
Malawi Ms. / Mme Esther Jolobala, Member of the National Assembly English
Malaysia / Malaisie Mr. / M Ma'mun Sulaiman, Member of the House of Representatives / Membre de la Chambre des Représentants English
Maldives / Maldives Mr. / M Adam Shareef Umar, Member of the People’s Majlis / Membre de la Maljis du peuple English
Malta Mr. / M Farrugia, Speaker of the House of Representatives / Président de la chambre des représentants English
Mauritius / Maurice Mr. / M. Sooroojdev Phokeer, Speaker of the National Assembly / Président de l'Asemblée Nationale English
Mexico / Mexique Ms. / Mme Mariana Gomez Del Campo, Member of the Chamber of Deputies / Membre de la chambre des députés Espagnol
Monaco Mr. / M Fabrice Notari, Member of the National Council / Membre du Conseil national Français
Morocco / Maroc Mr. / M Talbi Alami, Speaker of the House of Representatives / Président de la Chambre des répresentants English / Français
Morocco / Maroc Mr. / M Kamal Ait Mik, Member of the House of Councillors / Membre de la Chambre des Conseillers English
Mozambique Mr. / M Eduardo Mulembwe, Member of the Assembly of the Republic / Membre de l'Assemblée de la République English
Namibia / Namibie Mr. / M Peter H. Katjavivi, Speaker of the National Assembly / Président de l'Assemblée Nationale English
Nepal Mr. / M Ganesh Prasad Timilsina, Chairperson of the National Assembly / Président de la Assemblée nationale English
Nepal Mr. / M Ganesh Prasad Timilsina, Chairperson of the National Assembly / Président de la Assemblée nationale English
Netherlands Ms. / Mme Agnes Mulder, Member of the House of Representatives / Membre de la Chambre des Représentant English
New Zealand / Nouvelle Zélande Mr. / M Scott Simpson, Member of the House of Representatives / Membre de la Chambre des représentants English
Niger Ms. / Mme Aminatou Habibou, Member of the National Assembly / Membre de l’Assemblée nationale Français
Nigeria Mr. / M Abubakar Hassan Fulata, Member of the House of Representatives / Membre de la Chambre des représentants English
Nigeria Mr. / M Ahmed Idris Wise, Deputy Speaker, House of Representatives / Vice-président, Chambre des représentants English
Norway / Norvège Mrs. / Mme Silje Hjemdal, Member of Parliament / Parlementaire English
Norway / Norvège Mrs. / Mme Brigit Oline Kjerstad, Member of Parliament / Parlementaire English
Pakistan Mr. / M Sher Ali Arbab, Member of Parliament / Parlementaire English
Poland Ms. / Mme Gabriela Morawska-Stanecka, Deputy Speaker of the Senate / Vice-présidente du Sénat English
Qatar Mr./M. Hamda bint Hassan al-Sulaiti, deputy Speaker of the Shura Council English
Rep. Of Korea / Rép. De Corée Mr. / M Park Byeong-seug, Speaker of the National Assembly / Président de l'Assemblée Nationale English
San Marino / San Marin Ms. / Mme Marica Montemaggi, Head Delegation of the National Group of San Marino / Cheffe de la délégation du groupe National de San Marin English
Seychelles Mr. / M William Waven Winslow, Member of the National Assembly / Membre de l'Assemblée Nationale English
South Africa Ms. / Mme Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, Speaker of the National Assembly / Présidente de l'Assemblée Nationale English
Sri Lanka Mr. / M Mahinda Yapa ABEYWARDANA, Speaker of Parliament / Président du parlement English
Suriname Mr. / M. Asiskumar GAJADIEN, Member of the National Assembly / membre de l'assemblée nationale English
Sweden Mr. / M Johan Hultberg, Member of Parliament / Parlementaire English
Switzerland / Suisse Mr. Daniel Jositsch, Membre du Conseil des Etats / Member of the Council of states English
Tanzania / Tanzanie Ms. / Mme Tulia Ackson, Speaker of the National Assembly / Présidente de l'Assemblée Nationale English
Thailand / Thailande Mr. / M Pornpetch Wichitcholchai, President of the Senate / Président du Sénat English
Timor Leste / Timor-Leste Mr. / M Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes, Speaker of National Parliament / Président de l'Assemblée Nationale English
Turkey / Turquie Ms / Mme Kavakci Kan, Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey / Membre de la Grande assemblée nationale English
Turkey / Turquie Ms./Mme Zeynep Yildiz, Member of Parliament / Parlementaire English
Uruguay / Uruguay Mr. / M. Raul Lozano, member of the Senate / Membre du Sénat Espagnol
Viet Nam Mr. / M Ha Hai Vu, Member of the National Assembly / Membre de l'assemblée Nationale English
WHO / OMS Gaudenz Silberschmidt, Director, Health And Multilateral Partnerships / Directeur English
Zambia / Zambie Ms. / Mme Nelly Mutti, Speaker of National Assembly / Présidente de l'assemblée nationale English
Zimbabwe Mr. / M Jacob Francis Nzwidamilimo MUDENDA, Speaker of Parliament / Président du parlement English