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148th Assembly and related meetings


Geneva, Switzerland


The 148th Assembly of the IPU will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, on 23-27 March 2024. All IPU statutory bodies, including the Governing Council, Standing Committees, Committees on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians and on Middle East Questions, as well as the Forum of Women Parliamentarians and the Forum of Young MPs, will meet on this occasion. 

The General Debate will focus on the overall theme Parliamentary diplomacy: Building bridges for peace and understanding and provide a platform for delegates to deliberate, exchange views and galvanize parliamentary action in this area. The Assembly will adopt resolutions on the emergency item and on the subject items taken up by the Standing Committee on Peace and International Security entitled Addressing the social and humanitarian impact of autonomous weapon systems and artificial intelligence and by the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development entitled Partnerships for climate action: Promoting access to affordable green energy, and ensuring innovation, responsibility and equity. 

The Assembly is expected to conclude with the adoption of an outcome document on the overall theme of the General Debate.

Documents in Spanish (the translation is the responsibility of the GRULAC Secretariat)


Thursday, 21 March 2024 - Thursday, 21 March 2024

- Executive Committee
(Closed meeting)
- Executive Committee
(Closed meeting)

Friday, 22 March 2024 - Friday, 22 March 2024

- Beginning of Registration
- Gender Partnership Group
(Closed meeting)
- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
(Closed meeting)
- Executive Committee
(Closed meeting)
- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
(Closed meeting)

Saturday, 23 March 2024 - Saturday, 23 March 2024

- Bureau of Women Parliamentarians
(Closed meeting)
- Meeting of Advisers and Secretaries to delegations
- Forum of Women Parliamentarians
- Joint Meeting with the Chairs of the Geopolitical Groups and the Presidents of the Standing Committees
(Closed meeting)
- Forum of Women Parliamentarians
- High-Level Advisory Group on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism
(Closed meeting)
- Advisory Group on Health
English only
(Closed meeting)
- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
(Closed meeting)
- Group of Facilitators for Cyprus
English only
(Closed meeting)

Sunday, 24 March 2024 - Sunday, 24 March 2024

- Assembly Steering Committee
(Closed meeting)
- Governing Council
- Standing Committee on Peace and International Security
Debate and start of drafting in plenary of the draft resolution on Addressing the social and humanitarian impact of autonomous weapon systems and artificial intelligence
- Standing Committee on Sustainable Development
Debate and start of drafting in plenary of the draft resolution on Partnerships for climate action: Promoting access to affordable green energy, and ensuring innovation, responsibility and equity
- Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians
(Closed meeting)
- ASGP Meeting
- Assembly
Opening and start of the General Debate on the theme Parliamentary diplomacy: Building bridges for peace and understanding
- Bureau of the Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights
(Closed meeting)
- Panel discussion on Addressing strategic and existential threats through common security and the rule of law
- Organized in cooperation with the Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND) and the World Future Council
- Standing Committee on Peace and International Security
Drafting in plenary of the draft resolution on Addressing the social and humanitarian impact of autonomous weapon systems and artificial intelligence
- Assembly: General Debate
- Forum of Young Parliamentarians of the IPU
- Committee on Middle East Questions
(Closed meeting)
- ASGP Meeting
- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
(Closed meeting)
- Assembly: Decision on the emergency item
After vote: Reception offered by Switzerland
- Reception offered by Switzerland

Monday, 25 March 2024 - Monday, 25 March 2024

- Assembly
09:00-10:30 Debate on the emergency item, and
10:30-13:00 Continuation of the General Debate
- Bureau of the Standing Committee on United Nations Affairs
(Closed meeting)
- Standing Committee on Peace and International Security
Completion of drafting in plenary of the draft resolution on Addressing the social and humanitarian impact of autonomous weapon systems and artificial intelligence
- Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights
Debate on the draft resolution to be adopted at the 149th Assembly on The impact of artificial intelligence on democracy, human rights and the rule of law
- Working Group on Science and Technology
(Closed meeting)
- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
(Closed meeting)
- ASGP Meeting
- High-level meeting on The crisis of multilateralism: Root causes and possible solutions
- Workshop on Strengthening climate legislation: Practical tools for parliamentarians
- Luncheon for Speakers of Parliament (by invitation)
- Panel discussion on Iinterfaith dialogue: Building bridges through interfaith dialogue for more peaceful and inclusive societies
- Task Force on the peaceful resolution of the war in Ukraine
(Closed meeting)
- ASGP Meeting
- Assembly
Continuation of the General Debate
- Standing Committee on Sustainable Development
Completion of drafting in plenary of the draft resolution on Partnerships for climate action: Promoting access to affordable green energy, and ensuring innovation, responsibility and equity
- Possible drafting committee on the emergency item
(Closed meeting)
- Workshop on Human security: Equipping parliamentarians for peacebuilding and conflict prevention
- Workshop on artificial intelligence (AI) - Organized in cooperation with UNESCO, ITU and the Internet Governance Forum (IGF)

Tuesday, 26 March 2024 - Tuesday, 26 March 2024

- Gender Partnership Group
(Closed meeting)
- Committee on Middle East Questions
(Closed meeting)
- Bureau of the Standing Committee on Peace and International Security
(Closed meeting)
- Standing Committee on United Nations Affairs
Discussion on The new United Nations Youth Office: Ensuring a deeper engagement with young people
- Assembly: Continuation of the General Debate
- Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights
Debate on Sustainable actions to improve the life conditions of people with disabilities, including their chances for education and work opportunities
- ASGP Meeting
- Executive Committee
(Closed meeting)
- Parity debate
- Panel discussion on Protecting minority rights: Towards comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation - Organized in cooperation with OHCHR and the Equal Rights Trust
- Bureau of the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development
(Closed meeting)
- Workshop on the Implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention – Organized in cooperation with the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
- Panel on Climate change and conflict: How can parliaments ensure health during times of crises?
- Standing Committee on Peace and International Security
Adoption of the draft resolution on Addressing the social and humanitarian impact of autonomous weapon systems and artificial intelligence
- Standing Committee on United Nations Affairs
- Discussion on The United Nations’ humanitarian work: How sustainable is it?
- Discussion on Parliamentary motion on Security Council reform
- ASGP Meeting
- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
(Closed meeting)
- Assembly
Adoption of the resolution on the emergency item
Special session on accountability in the implementation of IPU decisions
Conclusion of the General Debate
- Committee to Promote Respect for International Humanitarian Law
(Closed meeting)
- Working Group on amendments to the Statutes and Rules
(Closed meeting)
- Standing Committee on Sustainable Development
Adoption of the draft resolution on Partnerships for climate action: Promoting access to affordable green energy, and ensuring innovation, responsibility and equity

Wednesday, 27 March 2024 - Wednesday, 27 March 2024

- Bureau of Women Parliamentarians
(Closed meeting)
- Governing Council
Decisions on the human rights of MPs, and
Reports of specialized meetings
14:30 - Governing Council
At the end of the Governing Council Assembly
Adoption of resolutions
Reports of the Standing Committees
Outcome document of the General Debate, and
Closing sitting



Governing Council

Standing Committee on Peace and International Security

Standing Committee on Sustainable Development

Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights

Standing Committee on United Nations Affairs

Forum of Women Parliamentarians

Forum of Young Parliamentarians

Other meetings

Emergency items

Requests for inclusion of an emergency item

Under the terms of Assembly Rule 11.1, any Member of the Union may request the inclusion of an emergency item in the Assembly agenda. Such a request must be accompanied by a brief explanatory memorandum and a draft resolution which clearly define the scope of the subject covered by the request. The Secretariat shall communicate the request and any such documents immediately to all Members.

Furthermore, Assembly Rule 11.2 stipulates that:

(a) A request for the inclusion of an emergency item must relate to a major event of international concern on which it appears necessary for the IPU to express its opinion. Such a request must receive a two-thirds majority of the votes cast in order to be accepted;

(b) The Assembly may place only one emergency item on its agenda. Should several requests obtain the requisite majority, the one having received the largest number of positive votes shall be accepted;

(c) The authors of two or more requests for the inclusion of an emergency item may combine their proposals to present a joint one, provided that each of the original proposals relates to the same subject;

(d) The subject of a proposal that has been withdrawn by its authors or rejected by the Assembly cannot be included in the draft resolution submitted on the emergency item, unless it is clearly referred to in the request and title of the subject adopted by the Assembly.

Country / Pays
Name / Nom Language / Langue
Opening remarks by the IPU President, Dr. Tulia Ackson / Allocution d'ouverture du Président de l’UIP, Dr. Tulia Ackson English
Closing remarks by the IPU President, Dr. Tulia Ackson / Allocution de clôture de la Présidente de l'UIP, Dr. Tulia Ackson English
Mr. / M. Martin Chungong , Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) / Secrétaire général de l'Union Interparlementaire (UIP) English
Ms. / Mme Cynthia Lopez Castro, President of the Bureau of Women Parliamentarians / Présidente du Bureau des femmes parlementaires English
Mr. / M. Dan Carden, President of the Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians / Président du Conseil du Forum des jeunes parlementaire English
Ms. / Mme Mary Robinson, Chair of The Elders, former President of Ireland and former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights / Présidente de The Elders, ancienne Présidente de l'Irlande et ancienne Haut-Commissaire des Nations Unies aux droits de l’homme English
Arab Parliament / Parlement arabe Mr. / M. Adel Al-ASOOMI, Speaker of the Arab Parliament / du Parlement arabe / Président du Parlement arabe English
Armenia / Arménie Mr. / M. Hakob ARSHAKYAN, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly / Vice-Président de l’Assemblée nationale English
Armenia / Arménie Mr. / M. Alen SIMONYAN, Chairman of the National Assembly / Président de l'Assemblée nationale English
Australia / Australie Ms. / Mme Deborah O'NEILL, Member of the Senate / Membre du Sénat English
Austria / Autriche Mr. / M. Nikolaus SCHERAK, Member of the National Council / Membre du Conseil national English
Austria / Autriche Mr. / M. Reinhold LOPATKA, Member of the National Council / Membre du Conseil national English
Azerbaijan / Azerbaïjan Ms. / Mme Sahiba GAFAROVA, Chairwoman of the National Assembly / Présidente de l'Assemblée nationale English
Bahamas Ms. / Mme Pia GLOVER-ROLLE, Member of the House of Assembly / Membre de l'Assemblée English
Bahamas Mr. / M. Barry GRIFFIN, Vice-President of the Senate / Vice-Président du Sénat English
Bahrain / Bahreïn Mr. / M. Jamal FAKHRO, Deputy Speaker of the Shura Council / Vice-Président du Conseil consultative English
Bangladesh Ms. / Mme Shirin Sharmin CHAUDHURY, Speaker of Parliament / Présidente du Parlement English
Belgium / Belgique Ms. / Mme Stephanie D'HOSE, President of the Senate / Présidente du Senat English
Benin / Bénin Mr. / M. Sêdozan Jean-Claude APITHY, Membre de l’Assemblée nationale / Member of the National Assembly Français
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) / Bolivie (État Plurinational de) Ms. / Mme Aleiza Alcira RODRIGUEZ MONTERO, Member of the Chamber of Deputies / Membre de la Chambre des députés Spanish
Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnie-Herzégovine Mr. / M. Denis ZVIZDIC, Speaker of the House of Representatives / Président de la Chambre des représentants English
Bulgaria / Bulgarie Ms. / Mme Rositsa KIROVA, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly / Vice présidente de l'Assemblée nationale English
Burkina Faso Mr. / M. Ousmane DIALLO, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly / Vice-Président de l’Assemblée nationale Français
Burundi Ms. / Mme Sabine NTAKARUTIMANA, Vice-President of the National Assembly / Vice-Présidente de l’Assembléee nationale Français
Chad / Tchad Mr. / M. Jacques LAOUHINGAMAYE DINGAOMAIBE, Member of the Transitional National Council / Membre du Conseil national de transition Français
Chile / Chili Mr. / M. Ricardo CIFUENTES LILLO, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies / Président de la Chambre des députés Spanish
Cuba Ms. / Mme Ana María MARÍ MACHADO, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of the People's Power / Vice-Présidente de l'Assemblée nationale du Pouvoir populaire Spanish
Czech Republic / République tchèque Mr. / M. Viktor VOJTKO, Member of the Chamber of Deputies / Membre de la Chambre des députés English
Denmark / Danemark Mr. / M. Jens MEILVANG, Member of the Danish Parliament / Membre du Parlement danois English
Denmark / Danemark Mr. / M. Kris Jensen SKRIVER, Member of the Danish Parliament / Membre du Parlement danois English
East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) / Assemblée législative de l’Afrique de l’Est Mr. / M. Joseph NTAKIRUTIMANA, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly / Président de l'Assemblée législative English
Equatorial Guinea / Guinée équatoriale Mr. / M. Atanasio Ela NTUGU NSA, Member of the Senate / Membre du Sénat Spanish
Estonia / Estonie Ms. / Mme Maris LAURI, Member of the Estonian Parliament / Membre du Parlement estonien English
Eswatini Mr. / M. Ndumiso MDLULI, Deputy Speaker of the Senate / Vice-Président du Sénat English
Ethiopia / Ethiopie Mr. / M. Agegnehu TESHAGER, Speaker of the House of the Federation / Président de la Chambre de la Fédération English
Fiji / Fidji Mr. / M. Naiqama LALABALAVU, Speaker of Parliament / Président du Parlement English
Gambia / Gambie Mr. / M. Seedy SK NJIE Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly / Vice-Présidente de l'Assemblée nationale English
Germany / Allemagne Mr. / M. Volkmar KLEIN, Member of the German Bundestag / Membre du Bundestag allemand English
Ghana Ms. / Mme Alban Sumana Kingsford BAGBIN, Speaker of Parliament / Président du Parlement English
Greece / Grèce Mr. / M. Stavros KALAFATIS, Member of the Hellenic Parliament / Membre du Parlement héllénique English
Guinea / Guinée Mr. / M. Mory DOUNOH, Member of the Transitional National Council / Membre du Conseil national de la transition Français
Guyana Mr. / M. Mohabir NANDLALL, Member of Parliament / Membre du Parlement English
India / Inde Mr. / M. Harivansh SINGH, Deputy Chairman the Council of States / Vice-Président du Conseil des États English
Indonesia / Indonésie Ms. / Mme Puan MAHARANI, Speaker of the House of Representatives / Présidente de la Chambre des représentants English
Italy / Italie Mr. / M. Giangiacomo CALOVINI, Member of the Chamber of Deputies / Membre de la Chambre des députés English
Italy / Italie Mr. / M. Pier Ferdinando CASINI, Member of the Senate / Membre du Sénat English
Jamaica / Jamaïque Mr. / M. Thomas TAVARES-FINSON, Speaker of Parliament / Président du Parlement English
Japan / Japon Ms. / Mme Yumi YOSHIKAWA, Member of the House of Councillors / Membre de la Chambre des Conseillers English
Japan / Japon Ms. / Mme Seiko NODA, Member of the House of Representatives / Membre de la Chambre des représentants English
Kazakhstan Mr. / M. Yerlan KOSHANOV, Chairman of the Mazhilis of Parliament / Président de la Mazhilis du Parlement English
Lao People's Democratic Republic /République Démocratique Populaire lao Ms. / Mme Sounthone XAYACHACK, Vice-President of the National Assembly / Vice-Présidente de l'Assemblée nationale English
Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (PARLATINO) / Parlement latino-américain et caribéen (PARLATINO) Mr. / M. Rolando GONZALEZ PATRICIO, Speaker of Parliament / Président du Parlement Spanish
Latvia / Lettonie Ms. / Mme Jana SIMANOVSKA, Member of Parliament / Membre du Parlement English
Liechtenstein / Liechtenstein Mr. / M. Albert FRICK, President of the Landtag / Président du Landtag English
Lithuania / Lituanie Ms. / Mme Guoda BUROKIENE, Member of Parliament / Membre du Parlement English
Madagascar Mr. / M. Mahaleo Richard Victor TSIEBO, Membre du Sénat / Member of the Senate Français
Malaysia / Malaysie Ms. / Mme Zurainah MUSA, Member of the Senate / Membre du Sénat English
Mexico / Mexique Ms. / Mme Marcela GUERRA CASTILLO, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies / Présidente de la Chambre des députés Spanish
Mexico / Mexique Mr. / M. Klaus Uwe RITTER OCAMPO, Member of the Chamber of Deputies / Membre de la Chambre des députés Spanish
Myanmar Mr. / M. Win Myat AYE, Member of the House of Nationalities / Membre de la Chambre des Nationalités English
Namibia / Namibie Mr. / M. Peter KATJAVIVI Speaker of the National Assemblée / Président de l'Assemblée nationale English
Nepal / Népal Mr. / M. Dev Raj GHIMIRE, Speaker of the House of Representative / Président de la Chambre des représentants English
Netherlands / Pays-Bas Mr. / M. Glimina CHAKOR, Member of the House of Representatives / Membre de la Chambre des représentants English
Netherlands / Pays-Bas Ms. / Mme Judith TIELEN, Member of the House of Representatives / Membre de la Chambre des représentants English
New Zealand / Nouvelle Zélande Ms. / Mme Kahurangi CARTER, Member of the House of Representatives / Membre de la Chambre des représentants English
New Zealand / Nouvelle Zélande Mr. / M. Stuart SMITH, Member of the House of Representatives / Membre de la Chambre des représentants English
New Zealand / Nouvelle Zélande Mr. / M. Tangi UTIKERE, Member of the House of Representatives / Membre de la Chambre des représentants English
Nigeria / Nigéria Mr. / M. Benjamin Okezie KALU, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives / Vice-Président de la Chambre des représentants English
Norway / Norvège Ms. / Mme Ruth Linda Merethe Monsen MERKESDAL, Member of Parliament / Membre du Parlement English
Parliament of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) / Parlement de la Communauté économique des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDEAO) Mr. / M. Sidie Mohamed TUNIS, Speaker / Président English
Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie / Assemblée Parlementaire de la Francophonie (APF) Mr. / M. Mars DI BARTOLOMEO, Member of the Assembly / Membre de l’Assemblée Français
Peru / Pérou Ms. / Mme Maria del Carmen ALVA PRIETO Member of Parliament / Membre du Parlement Spanish
Peru / Pérou Mr. / M. Alex Antonio PAREDES GONZALES, Member of the Congress of the Republic / Membre du Congrès de la République Spanish
Poland / Pologne Mr. / M. Radoslaw FOGIEL, Member of the Sejm / Membre du Sejm English
Poland / Pologne Ms. / Mme Gabriela MORAWSKA-STANECKA, Member of the Senate / Membre du Sénat English
Romania / Roumanie Ms. / Mme Silvia-Monica DINICĂ, Member of the Senate / Membre du Sénat English
Russian Federation / Fédération de Russie Mr. / M. Konstantin KOSACHEV, Deputy Speaker of the Council of the Federation / Vice-Président du Conseil de la Fédération English
Rwanda Mr. / M. Espérance NYIRASAFARI, Vice President of the Senate / Vice Président du Sénat English
San Marino / Saint Marin Mr. / M. Lorenzo BUGLI, Member of the Great and General Council / Membre du Conseil Grand et Général English
Serbia / Serbie Ms. / Mme Ana BRNABIĆ, Speaker of the National Assembly / Présidente de l'Assemblée nationale English
Singapore / Singapour Mr. / M. Vikram NAIR, Member of Parliament / Membre du Parlement English
Singapore / Singapour Mr. / M. Kheng Wee Louis CHUA, Member of Parliament / Membre du Parlement English
Singapore / Singapour Mr. / M. Cheng Sim Joan PEREIRA, Member of Parliament / Membre du Parlement English
Slovenia / Slovenie Mr. / M. Predrag BAKOVIC, Member of the National Assembly / Membre de l'Assemblée nationale English
South Africa / Afrique du Sud Ms. / Mme Sylvia Elizabeth LUCAS, Deputy Speaker of the National Council of Provinces / Vice-Président du Conseil national des provinces English
Suriname Mr. / M. Asiskumar GAJADIEN, Member of the National Assembly / Membre de l'Assemblée nationale English
Thailand / Thaïlande Mr. / M. Pornpetch WICHITCHOLCHAI, President of the Senate / Président du Sénat English
Thailand / Thaïlande Ms. / Mme Saratsanun UNNOPPORN, Member of the House of Representatives / Membre de la Chambre des représentants English
Tonga Mr. / M. Fatafehi FAKAFANUA, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly / Président de l'Assemblée législative English
Turkmenistan / Turkménistan Ms. / Mme Dunyagozel Akmuhammedovna GULMANOVA, Chairwoman of the Assembly / Présidente de l'Assemblée English
Uganda / Ouganda Mr. / M. Alex RUHUNDA Member of Parliament / Membre du Parlement English
Ukraine Mr. / M. Oleksandr KORNIYENKO, Deputy Speaker of Parliament / Vice-Président du Parlement English
Uzbekistan / Ouzbékistan Ms. / Mme Tanzila NARBAEVA, Chairwoman of the Senate / Présidente du Senat English
Vanuatu Mr. / M. Simeon Davidson SEOULE, Speaker of Parliament / Président du Parlement English
Zambia / Zambie Ms. / Mme Nelly B K MUTTI, Speaker of the National Assembly / Présidente de l'Assemblée nationale English
Baltic Assembly / Assemblée balte Mr. / M. Jānis VUCANS, Vice President of the Baltic Assembly / Vice-Président de l'Assemblée de la Baltique English
Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria / Fonds mondial de lutte contre le sida, la tuberculose et le paludisme Mr. / M. Scott BOULE,Senior Specialist for Parliamentary Affairs / Spécialiste principal des affaires parlementaires English
International Development Law Organization (IDLO) / Organisation internationale de droit du développement (IDLO) Mr. / M. Mark CASSAYRE, Representative / Représentant English
International Parliamentary Network for Education / Réseau international des parlementaires pour l’éducation (IPNeD) Mr. / M. Joseph NHAN-O’REILLY, Director / Directeur English
Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND) / Parlementaires pour la non‑prolifération et le désarmement nucléaires (PNND) Mr. / M. Alyn WARE, Global Coordinator / Coordinateur mondial English
Sovereign Order of Malta / Ordre souverain de Malte Ms. / Mme, Marie-Thérèse PICTET-ALTHANN, Ambassador / Ambassadeur English