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142nd IPU Assembly



Virtual format, April / May 2021

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At its meeting on 18 January 2021, the IPU Executive Committee decided that, in view of the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic and its impact, the 142nd IPU Assembly would be held during the week of 24 May 2021 in virtual format. In order to examine the implications of such an unprecedented virtual Assembly and to find the best possible solutions, the Executive Committee decided to set up a Working Group composed of representatives of the geopolitical groups, the Bureau of Women Parliamentarians and the Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians, and supported by the IPU Secretariat. The Working Group has examined relevant aspects relating to the virtual session of the Assembly and put forward its findings and recommendations for consideration by the Executive Committee. These recommendations, once reviewed and endorsed by the Executive Committee, will be submitted for approval by the Governing Council.

While the Assembly itself will take place during the week of 24 May 2021, it will be preceded by meetings of the Standing Committees, the Forum of Women Parliamentarians and the Forum of Young Parliamentarians, and the other subsidiary bodies of the Governing Council, in the weeks leading up to the Assembly. The Assembly will focus on the overall theme of “Overcoming the pandemic today and building a better tomorrow: the role of parliaments”.

Frequently asked questions

Documents in Spanish (the translation is the responsibility of the GRULAC Secretariat) / Documentos en español (La traducción es responsabilidad de la Secretaría del GRULAC)


Tuesday, 13 April 2021

- Bureau of the Standing Committee on Peace and International Security

(Closed meeting)
- Bureau of the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development

(Closed meeting)

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

- Committee on Middle East Questions

(Closed meeting)

Friday, 16 April 2021

- Committee to Promote Respect for International Humanitarian Law

(Closed meeting)

Thursday, 22 April 2021

- Standing Committee on Peace and International Security
Drafting Committee on the draft resolution on Parliamentary strategies to strengthen peace and security against threats and conflicts resulting from climate-related disasters and their consequences.
(Closed meeting)
- Standing Committee on Sustainable Development
Drafting Committee on the draft resolution on Mainstreaming digitalization and the circular economy to achieve the SDGs, particularly responsible consumption and production.
(Closed meeting)

Monday, 26 April 2021

- Standing Committee on Peace and International Security
Debate on overall theme: Overcoming the pandemic today and building a better tomorrow: the role of parliaments


Tuesday, 27 April 2021

- Joint meeting of the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development and of the Standing Committee on UN Affairs
Debate on overall theme

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

- Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights
Debate on overall theme
- Advisory Group on Health

(Closed meeting)

Thursday, 29 April 2021

- Standing Committee on UN Affairs
Discussion on UN75 follow-up

Thursday, 6 May 2021

- Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians

(Closed meeting)
- Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians

(Closed meeting)

Monday, 10 May 2021

- Forum of Women MPs
Advancing gender equality: Covid’s impact and priorities for recovery
- Briefings on inter-parliamentary e-dialogues held in March-April
- Towards a gender-responsive post-Covid recovery
Contributing to the work of the Assembly from a gender perspective
Elections to the Bureau of Women MPs

Virtual event platform (Interprefy and Webex)
- Committee on Middle East questions

(Closed meeting)

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

- Bureau of Women Parliamentarians

(Closed meeting)
- Bureau of the Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights

(Closed meeting)

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

- Forum of Women Parliamentarians
Panel discussion: Generation equality in and through parliaments
Elections of the Bureau’s presiding officers

Virtual event platform (Interprefy and Webex)

Thursday, 13 May 2021

- Forum of Young Parliamentarians
Contributing to the work of the 142nd Assembly from a youth perspective Parliaments, youth and COVID-19
- Briefings on intergenerational e-dialogues held in April
- Prioritizing youth empowerment in post-Covid recovery
Elections to the Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians

Virtual event platform (Interprefy and Webex)
- Bureau of the Standing Committee on UN Affairs

(Closed meeting)

Friday, 14 May 2021

- Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians

(Closed meeting)

Monday, 17 May 2021

- Forum of Young Parliamentarians
Panel discussions:
- A new decade of action for the IPU and parliaments on youth participation
- Launch of the Campaign
- Elections of the Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians (election of the President of the Board)

Virtual event platform (Interprefy and Webex)
- Standing Committee on Peace and International Security
Adoption of resolution on Parliamentary strategies to strengthen peace and security against threats and conflicts resulting from climate-related disasters and their consequences
Virtual event platform (Interprefy and Webex)
- High-Level Advisory Group on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism

(Closed meeting)

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

- Standing Committee on Sustainable Development
Adoption of resolution on Mainstreaming digitalization and the circular economy to achieve the SDGs, particularly responsible consumption and production

Virtual event platform (Interprefy and Webex)
- Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights
Debate on Legislation worldwide to combat online sexual child exploitation
Virtual event platform (Interprefy and Webex)
- Sub-Committee on Finance

(Closed meeting)

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

- Executive Committee

(Closed meeting)

Thursday, 20 May 2021

- Executive Committee

(Closed meeting)

Monday, 24 May 2021

- Governing Council

Virtual event platform (Interprefy and Webex)

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

- Governing Council

Virtual event platform (Interprefy and Webex)

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

- ASGP Meeting
The role and organization of parliaments in a time of pandemic.
- Assembly
Interactive debate on overall theme Overcoming the pandemic today and building a better tomorrow: the role of parliaments Video messages

Virtual event platform (Interprefy and Webex)

Thursday, 27 May 2021

- ASGP Meeting
The role and organization of parliaments in a time of pandemic
- Assembly
Adoption of Resolutions
Reports by Standing Committees
Adoption of outcome document

Virtual event platform (Interprefy and Webex)

Friday, 28 May 2021

- Governing Council (if required)

Virtual event platform (Interprefy and Webex)



Governing Council

Standing Committee on Peace and International Security

Standing Committee on Sustainable Development

Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights

Standing Committee on United Nations Affairs

Forum of Women Parliamentarians

Forum of Young Parliamentarians


  1.  General Debate on the theme Overcoming the pandemic today and building a better tomorrow: the role of parliaments
  2.  Parliamentary strategies to strengthen peace and security against threats and conflicts resulting from climate-related disasters and their consequences (Standing Committee on Peace and International Security)
  3.  Mainstreaming digitalization and the circular economy to achieve the SDGs, particularly responsible consumption and production (Standing Committee on Sustainable Development)
  4.  Reports of the Standing Committees
  5. Approval of the subject items for the Standing Committee on Peace and International Security and for the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development for the 144th Assembly and appointment of the Rapporteurs


Assembly / Assemblée  
Country / Pays
Name / Nom Language / Langue
  Opening remarks by the IPU President, Mr. Duarte Pacheco / Allocution d'ouverture du Président de l’UIP, M. Duarte Pacheco English / Français
  Ms. / Mme Sahar Albazar, President of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians / Présidente du forum des jeunes parlementaires English
Afghanistan Mr. / M. Mir Rahman Rahmani, Speaker of the House of the People / Président de la Chambre du people English
Afghanistan Mr. / M. Mohammad Alam Ezedyar, Deputy Speaker of the House of Elders / Vice-président du Conseil des anciens English
Algeria / Algérie Mr. / M. Salah Goudjil, President of the Council of the Nation / Président du Conseil de la Nation algérien Français
Andorra / Andorre Ms. / Mme Roser Suñé, Speaker of the General Council / Présidente du Conseil général  Français
Bahrain / Bahreïn

Ms. / Mme Fawzia Bint Abdulla Zainal, Speaker of the Council of Representatives / Présidente du Conseil des représentants 

Belarus / Bélarus Mr. / M. Sergei Rachkov, Member of the Council of the Republic / Membre du Conseil de la République English
Botswana Mr. / M. Phandu T.C. Skelemani, Speaker of Parliament / Président du Parlement English
Canada Mr. / M. David Mcguinty, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Group / Président du groupe de l’Union Interparlementaire English
China / Chine Mr. / M. Wan Exiang, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China / Vice-président de la commission permanente de l'Assemblée populaire nationale de Chine English
Egypt / Égypte Mr. / M. Hanafy Gebaly, Speaker of the House of Representatives / Président de la Chambre des Représentants English
Gambia / Gambia   English
Germany / Allemagne

 Mr. / M. Ulrich Lechte, Member of the German Bundestag / Membre du Bundestag allemand

Ireland / Irlande Mr. / M. Seán Ó Fearghaíl, Speaker of the House of Representatives / Chambre des Représentants English
Japan /Japon Mr. / M. Suzuki Shunichi, Leader of the Japanese Delegation / Chef de la délégation japonaise English
Japan /Japon Mr. / M. Kanehiko Shindo, Deputy Leader of the Japanese delegation and member of the House of Councillors / Chef adjoint de la délégation japonaise et membre de la Chambre des conseillers English
Jordan / Jordanie Mr. / M. Abdelmonem Al-Odat, Speaker of House of Representatives / Président de la Chambre des Représentants English
Kuwait / Koweït  Mr. / M. Marzouq Ali Al-Ghanim, Speaker of the National Assembly / Président de l'Assemblée nationale English
Malaysia / Malaisie Mr. / M. Asmak Husin, Head of Delegation of Malaysia to the 142nd IPU Assembly / Chef de la délégation de la Malaisie à la 142ème Assemblée de l'UIP English
Montenegro / Monténégro Ms. / Mme Jovenka Bogavac, Leader of the delegation / Cheffe de la délégation English
Mozambique Mr. / M. Eduardo Joaquim Mulémbwè, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Group / Président du Groupe de l'Union interparlementaire English
Nepal / Népal Mr. / M. Ganesh Prasad Timilsina, Chairperson of National Assembly / Président de l’Assemblée nationale English
Netherlands / Pays Bas   English
Poland / Pologne Mr. / M. Piotr Babinetz, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Group / Président du Groupe de l'Union interparlementaire English / Français
Portugal   English
Qatar Mr. / M. Ahmad Bin Abdulla Bin Zaid Al Mahmoud, Speaker of the Shura Council / Président du Conseil de la choura English
Rwanda Ms. / Mme Nyrasafari Esperance, Vice President of the Senate / Vice-présidente du Sénat English
San Marino / Saint-Marin Ms. / Mme Mariella Mularoni, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Group / Présidente du groupe de l’Union Interparlementaire English
Serbia / Serbie Mr. / M. Ivica Davic, Speaker of the National Assembly / Président de l’Assemblée nationale  English
Sri Lanka Mr. / M. Mahinda Yapa Abeywardana, Speaker of the Parliament / Président du Parlement  English
Switzerland / Suisse Mr. / M. Christian Lohr, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Group / Président du groupe de l’Union Interparlementaire English
Thailand / Thaïlande  Mr. / M. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly and Speaker of the House of Representatives / Président de l'Assemblée nationale et Président de la Chambre des représentants English
Tunisia / Tunisie Mr. / M. Ben Belgacem Fathi, Member of the Assembly of People's Representatives / Membre de l'Assemblée des Représentants du Peuple  English
Arab Parliament / Parlement arabe Mr. / M. Adel Bin AbdulRahman Alasoomi, President of the Arab Parliament / Président du Parlement arabe English
Asian Parliamentary Assembly / Assemblée Parlementaire Asiatique Mr. / M. Mohammad Reza Majidi, Secretary General of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly / Secrétaire général de l'Assemblée Parlementaire Asiatique English


Standing Committee on Peace and International Security / Commission permanente de la paix et de la sécurité internationale

Country / Pays Name / Nom Language / Langue
Chile / Chili Mr. / M. René Manuel Garcia, Member of the Chamber of Deputies / Membre de la Chambre des Députés Español
China / Chine Mr. / M. Dai Lizhong, Member of the National People's Congress / Membre de l’Assemblée populaire nationale English
India / Inde Ms. / Mme Poonam Maadam, Member of the House of the People / Membre de la Chambre du peuple English
Thailand / Thaïlande Mr. / M. Anusart Suwanmogkol, Senator / Sénateur English


Standing Committee on Sustainable Development / Commission permanente du développement durable

Country / Pays Name / Nom Language / Langue
Bahrain / Bahreïn   English
China / Chine Mr./ M. Cai Ling / Member of the National People's Congress / Membre de l’Assemblée populaire nationale English
France  Ms./ Mme Véronique Riotton / Member of the National Assembly / Membre de l'Assemblée nationale Français
Germany / Allemagne Mr. / M. Till Mansmann, Member of the German Bundestag / Membre du Bundestag allemand English
Japan /Japon Ms. / Mme Makiyama Hiroe, Member of the House of Councillors / Membre de la Chambre des Conseillers English
Viet Nam / Viêt Nam   English


Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights / Commission permanente de la démocratie et des droits de l’homme

Country / Pays Name / Nom Language / Langue
Bahrain / Bahreïn   English
Benin / Bénin Mr. / M. Nassirou Bako-Arifari, Member of the National Assembly / Membre de l’Assemblée nationale Français
China / Chine Mr. / M. Zhuo Xinping, Member of the National People's Congress / Membre de l’Assemblée populaire nationale English
India / Inde Ms. / Mme Raksha Nikhil Khadse, Member of the House of the People / Membre de la Chambre du peuple English
Viet Nam / Viêt Nam   English


Standing Committee on UN Affairs / Commission permanente des Affaires des Nations Unies

Country / Pays Name / Nom Language / Langue
Bahrain / Bahreïn  


Bahrain / Bahreïn Joint meeting of Committees on Sustainable Development and United Nations Affairs / Réunion conjointe de la Commission permanente du développement durable et la Commission permanente des Affaires des Nations Unies English
Chile / Chili Mr. / M. Iván Flores, Member of the Chamber of Deputies / Membre de la Chambre des Députés Español
China / Chine Mr. / M. Dong Chuanjie, Member of the National People's Congress / Membre de l'Assemblée nationale populaire English
Germany / Allemagne Mr. / M. Till Mansmann, Member of the German Bundestag / Membre du Bundestag allemand English
Namibia / Namibie Mr. / M Peter H.Ktjavivi, Speaker of the National Assembly / Président de l’ Assemblée nationale English